44 ✧ dear cancer

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His phone rings, vibrating in his pocket, the sound slicing through the silence of the hospital room.

He sighs, pulls out his phone, to see a number he really doesn't want to talk to at the moment. So he declines the call, and shoves his phone back into his pocket.

That has been the eleventh call for the past month, but he honestly just isn't in the mood. Not right now.

He's too focused on his lover laying on the bed that everything else seems irrelevant.

For the longest time, he has always thought there was no difference being besotted with someone, and being in love. But infatuation is when you believe them to be absolutely perfect, but love is when you realise they aren't, yet you love them anyway.

And he does... he loves him despite how broken, how imperfect he is. For that, he'll always be grateful.


"What're you sulking for?" The raven haired lad asks as he starts arranging the CDs on the shelf.

"Harry's going to Florida for his sister's wedding in three days and I'm sad." The blonde pouts deeply, resting his chin in his palm, elbows propped on the table.

"What, you're not invited or something?" Zayn asks, raising a thick eyebrow.

"'Course I am. But I'm not able to go because I have a deadline for one of my stupid assignments." Niall's pout deepens.

Zayn scoffs out a laugh. "Ni, you have a scholarship that's sponsored by your favourite artist, plus a guaranteed job with him. What are assignments to you, exactly?"

"Doesn't mean that gives me the right to slack off, ya know? I don't want people to think I got this scholarship and job offer just because my boyfriend's father is the one giving it to me."

Zayn stops what he's doing, brows furrowed in confusion before his caramel eyes are growing wide, mouth agape.

"Wait wait wait, what?! Did you just say your boyfriend's father?"

"Yeah." Niall nods, head tilted to the side slightly in confusion at Zayn's dramatic outburst. "Desmond. Oh right sorry, I didn't tell you. Debonair is Harry's dad."

"What the fuck. Holy shit." Zayn gasps. "Now don't tell me that that isn't fate."

"I'm not going to because it is." Niall grins smugly.

"Is it weird for you though? To know that your boyfriend's father, aka future father-in-law is gonna be your future boss?" Zayn questions as he raises a brow.

"I thought it was... and I talked to him about it. Harry's dad I mean. I told him that I'd be willing to step down from the job position if it'd affect Harry."

"You'd give up your dream job for Harry?" Zayn asks, slightly bewildered.

Niall mentally scoffs. Is Zayn stupid? Obviously Harry comes before everything. "Well I can't possibly give Harry up, can I?" He asks rhetorically, not believing that Zayn could even ask that. "I can always get another job but I can't get another Harry."

He starts grinning foolishly to himself at his own words, so wide and bright, and it's a familiar feeling— the butterflies he gets when he thinks of Harry.

"Awww Niallerrrr that's so cute. Make sure to put that in your wedding vow." Zayn teases, ruffling up his blonde hair playfully.

Niall smacks his hand away, but he can't deny the flaming blush on his cheeks and the shy smile on his lips.

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