04 ✧ rubber duckies

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So I have unofficially graduated from college yay!!!!! So definitely expect a lot more frequent updates now! Shoutout to those who remember me complaining about how busy I was back in my first two years of college. Anyway, on with the chapter xxxx


With a sigh, he lets the worn and torn paper fall back into the square box which stores their most beloved times.

"Remember our very first encounter, babe?" His voice is weak and hoarse from crying so much but he lets a weak laughter leave his chapped lips either way. He sniffles softly, inhaling shakily as he tries to stop his unending waterfall of tears.

"It was... interesting. More than a little embarrassing, not to mention very messy, but I honestly wouldn't have it any other way." A soft sob involuntarily spills from his parted lips, and he's clutching even tighter onto his boyfriend's cold hands.

"And because of that embarrassing moment, it's what let us have our very first interaction. And if you'd wake up now, I'd gladly relive that embarrassing moment again and again."


"Shit, shit, fuck." Niall curses under his breath as he hurriedly gathers his things.

"Mum! I'm heading to work!" He shouts through the house.

"Alright, Ni! Love you! Remember to pick Livvy up at twelve, yeah? She ends school early today."

"Alright! Love you too!" Niall hollers back, before jogging down the lawn to get to his car.

He glances over to the building opposite their large house after the automatic gates swing open— Shawn's place. He mentally makes a note to remind himself that they're having dinner with the Styles-Twist in their home tonight.

He pushes that reminder to the back of his mind, and starts driving the short way down to the store.

The same few thoughts, just like everyday, fill his mind.

Will Green Eyes be performing again today?

He really hopes so.

He performed yesterday, so Niall can only hope he'd keep up the momentum for at least... another couple of years.

What if Green Eyes becomes famous one day? He'll be so incredibly happy for him of course, he deserves it. But Niall's selfish arse wants him all to himself.

Oooh, what if one day the lad just decides he wants a new guitar and comes right up into the shop?

Niall can't help but to release an excited squeal at the thought.

We would be breathing in the same air!!

They would be up close, Niall would be able to see his stunning green eyes clearly, hear how he sounds like when he speaks, and not through a glass and with passersby chattering.

But the real question is, will Niall just chicken out and hide out in the back office while he admires him from afar, and get Zayn to attend to him?

Knowing Niall... probably.

He soon spots the store up ahead, so he steps a little harder on the gas.

He quickly pulls up once he has reached, dashing into the store after realising he's running a little late.

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