42 ✧ engagement

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"I wish you'd wake up." He mumbles with a sad smile, reaching over to lace their fingers together. "I wish you'd wake up so I can feel you kiss me back, so I can see your bright eyes, so I can hear you tell me that you love me again."

A soft, shaky sigh leaves his lips, eyes focused on the steady staggering lines of the heart monitor machine, clinging on to the very last bit of hope that that's the only sign that he's still alive.

"There have been days which are just plain crazy, days which honestly, caused me to reach my breaking point. But with you by my side, you helped me fight through it. You're someone whom I've finally found that's worth fighting for. And for that, I'm not going to give up on us no matter how crazy things get."


"Anything you need, love, tell me, I'm right here." The blonde says, reassures as he runs his fingers through Harry's matted and sweaty curls.

Dr Eric decided for the total course of Harry's treatment to be five months long with fifteen chemo sessions.

It has been two months and Harry has already gone for six chemo sessions and it has been taking quite a toll on his body.

He's light headed majority of the time, coming down with a cold, and with the occasional nauseating feeling within him. Not to mention his precious curls are slowly but surely shedding.

Waves of chilliness courses through his veins, a cold gleam of sweat glistening along his gaunt features. He shivers violently in the stuffy room.

"Don't you have school to go to, baby?" Harry asks in a weak whisper.

"And don't you have some rest to catch up on?" Niall asks back in a teasing tone, soft and gentle as he climbs back onto the bed next to Harry.

"I just woke up from my seven hour nap, you dum dum." Harry grumbles, pouts deeply, because he's so frustrated. Frustrated that he has been sleeping for practically the whole day but he's still so freaking tired. He's wide awake, yes, but his body is just achingly exhausted.

"Then let's cuddle and Netflix." Niall shrugs, grinning, not even insulted at Harry's not-an-insult insult.

Harry sighs in defeat, giving in as he melts his form to fit perfectly with Niall's, snuggling closer to his boyfriend.

"Lion King?" Harry asks hopefully, smiling up at Niall with an innocent gleam in his emerald eyes.

Niall parts his lips to refute, and Harry knows, just knows, he's still offended that Harry prefers the first to the second Lion King.

"Fine, whatever you want, Princess." Niall purposely coos with a teasing smirk.

"Hey! I have a dick and you know it." Harry lightly smacks his chest playfully, then drapes his arm back around Niall's waist, pulling himself impossibly closer. "I can prove it to you again if you want." Harry drawls out with a lazy smirk.

Niall giggles, then scooches even closer to Harry, scooping his taller frame into his arms.

"No kisses though. Because I don't want you getting sick." Harry says, barely leaning away even though his body longs for Niall's warmth.

"You sure you can resist these bad boys?" Niall points to his lips, puckering them up exaggeratedly.

Harry chuckles, loud and boisterous, and it's a blessed relief from the dreariness he has been feeling for the past weeks. Niall grins in accomplishment, and the grey clouds in his heart seemed to have cleared, making way for nothing but sunshine and rainbows.

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