48 ✧ what hurts the most

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Writer's block sucks :(( I'm so sorry this chapter is incredibly boring, but I promise next one would be better (I hope?)

There's also quite a bit of time skip just so the whole story won't be 1627839302 years long hehe.


*five weeks after Niall got hospitalised *

"You've gotta be kidding me." Harry exclaims, groans exasperatedly, running a hand through his messy curls as he starts pacing up and down the pavement in attempt to destress himself.

There's an uncomfortable chill running through his bones. Either it's because of the biting autumn wind that's blowing against his exposed skin (he has nothing but a T-shirt and some sweats), or because of the words Detective Lee just told him, he isn't sure.

After five long weeks, he has just been told that after running through hours upon hours of CCTV footage from across the streets, other floors, elevators, etc, they've finally concluded that Ignatius was indeed the man that was in the stairway, judging by the matching descriptions.

They still don't know what exactly happened in there, but it's pretty clear cut that he's the one who put Niall in this condition. It can't be Rose who inflicted those bruises on Niall, and she definitely wouldn't have the strength to push Niall down the stairs. Plus, they're pretty sure she was the one who helped call the ambulance for Niall.

Unfortunately, now Ignatius the stupid iguana has fled the country.

"So what now? We just leave him be? Let him run wild after he has put my boyfriend in a coma?" He almost yells, and he's glad he's outside of the hospital where he won't disturb the other patients and visitors. And he feels bad honestly, for lashing out on the Detective when Harry knows he has done nothing but his best. But he can't help it. With less than four hours of sleep on an uncomfortable bed every night, running on three cups of caffeine and a gut wrenching feeling of simply watching your boyfriend's heart monitor beat aimlessly, he's bound to get cranky.

"I'm sorry lad, we've tried interviewing everyone at Ignatius Macmillan's office. All we've got out from there is that he's left Ireland five weeks ago. Two days after the incident."

"Wait, was that the same time Rose left too?" Harry asks, stopping in his tracks.

"Yes. But Rose left a day earlier than him. Whether they're fleeing the country together, we're not sure."

"I doubt it." Harry pipes in, shaking his head. "Rose and I may not be together any more. But I could tell— she absolutely loathes his guts. I don't blame her, because I still stand by what I said about him being abusive towards her."

"Speaking of which," Detective Lee starts. "We've dug up a little background search on him. So far, there aren't any reported cases of him being abusive. However, we've found this post circulating around social media about two years back. It was a video of him completely drunk and assaulting a passerby. Apparently he got caught by the cops, but he paid them off with a hefty sum even before he could reach the police station. But this video got taken down soon after. Probably because he paid whoever who posted it too."

"Son of a bitch," Harry curses angrily. "That's enough for the cops at wherever he's at to go after him isn't? If it isn't for him abusing Rose then it could be for this, no?"

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