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The hospital corridor is stuffy and the air has an undertone of bleach. It doesn't help that he can feel his pulse pounding in his temples, his stomach is in knots and palms sweaty from fear and nervousness. He's clutching so tightly onto their box of letters that his knuckles are turning white, fingertips turning numb.

It's been close to an hour and there's still no news from the doctor about what's happening to his boyfriend laid in that cold room. (Which actually isn't that long, but it feels excruciatingly so.)

"Hey, how is he?" He suddenly hears a familiar voice. He whips his head to the sound of the voice, a small bit of relief washing over him when he spots who it is.

"Shawn.." He whispers before the younger lad takes a seat next to him. He immediately pulls the younger lad in for a hug, not daring to let go. Things may have been a little rough between them at a point of time, but right now, he's his only form of comfort.

"The doctors are still doing their tests on him." He whispers out brokenly, voice hoarse and scratchy from all the sobs he has been trying to keep in. "They've been at it for hours."

"It's going to be okay..." Shawn whispers, patting the top of his messy hair.

He then hears the squeak of the hospital room door swinging open, before a body clad in blue scrubs come into view and he's immediately lurching off the cold plastic chair.

"How is he, Nurse Celia?" He immediately asks.

"He's fine, hun. We've managed to stabilise him, and his heart rate is back to normal. There was just a couple of abnormal movements, alternatively described as dyskinesias, which was what caused his spike in heart rate. But it's nothing to be worried about because it's a good thing— means he's still subconsciously active." She explains.

The lad nods, releasing a sigh of relief.

"You can go in and see him now. And continue to read those letters of yours, yeah? It will really help him a ton." The nurse smiles kindly, nodding her head at the box of letters in his hands.

"I will. Thank you, nurse Celia." The lad smiles gratefully.

"I'll give you two some privacy and grab us some sandwiches, yeah?" Shawn offers, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Thank you Shawn." He nods.

Without another word, he heads into the room, with Shawn heading in the other direction.

"Oh baby, I'm so glad you're okay." He whispers softly, going over to press kisses all over his boyfriend's forehead.

"Nurse Celia said I'll have to continue reading our letters, so if you're bored of them, too bad." He tries to lighten the mood, then takes a seat next to his boyfriend on the bed.

He digs through the next dated letter, and once he finds the one he wants, his heart falls slightly.

"Now, this letter wasn't the most... positive letter, but it did bring us back together."

"Here goes:

Dear Harry,

Have you ever felt that feeling? That feeling where...


"Thank you once again for looking after Livvy for me, Anne. It means a lot." Niall smiles gratefully as he places his sister's Princess Jasmine bag down on the ground by the door.

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