45 ✧ falling

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sorry this was so late my loves, I've been so busy lately with uni :(


"I should've been there for you... I'm so sorry I wasn't." He whispers, voice cracking as tears start brewing in his eyes.

A soft, broken sob leaves his lips. "I'm so sorry, baby."


"You've got everything ready for the wedding, my love?" The blonde asks sweetly as he mindlessly ties the strings of Harry's hoodie up. 

"Yeah, I think so." Harry nods, smiling fondly at Niall who's helping him check if he has everything.

"Alright. Remember to be careful, yeah? And don't stress yourself out too much, it's not good for ya. I mean, I doubt you'd be stressing out when you're in Florida during your sister's wedding, but I'm just saying, yeah? Just in case." Niall rambles on and on worriedly.

Harry's smile widens, heart fluttering wildly in the constraints of his chest.

"You're so sweet. But I'm sure I'll be just fine, my love." Harry reassures, gently pushing a fallen strand of his blonde hair back from his eyes. "Now c'mere." He spans his arms up, bringing the blonde in for a tight embrace.

Niall rests his chin on Harry's shoulder, hugging him tight and holding him close, feeling their heartbeats synching up. A wave of Niall's scent wafts through his nose and overwhelms his senses. His scent is just so intoxicating, so addictive, Harry just can't get enough.

Niall pulls away, grinning widely before leaning in to kiss Harry on the lips. They're smiling into the kiss, and the shared happiness between that tiny, non-existent space between their lips is so intimate, so tender and so special.

Harry's the first to deepen the kiss, raising his hands from Niall's waist up to cup his jaw, tilting his head up higher so he can slot their lips tighter together, tongues instantly touching and pushing and gliding against each others. Niall lets out a soft whimper, a moan, as he clutches tighter onto Harry's hips, pushing Harry forward slightly so he can take a seat on the edge of his bed.

Harry pulls him down, causing the blonde to topple and straddle his lap clumsily. Everything else disappears as they start to lose themselves in the moment.

The kiss deepens, becomes more urgent. Niall holds onto him so tightly and so close that it causes a wave of pure pleasure and raw happiness to run through Harry's entire body as he melts into Niall's hold.

"I'm really gonna miss you." Harry mumbles against his lips, before Niall's pressing light kisses down Harry's angular jaw instead one after the other till he reaches Harry's clavicle.

"That's why we're making the most of it now." Niall raises his head to meet Harry's gaze, grinning innocently but there's a cheeky glint glistening in his blue eyes.

"We have..." Niall pauses, then turns to look at the clock by the wall. "Half an hour before you gotta leave."

Harry releases a breathy chuckle, smirking widely. "Up for the challenge?"

Niall's already flushed cheeks turn even more florid, as he simpers, raising a brow. "Not exactly a challenge if you're doing me." He grins smugly.

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