30 ✧ empty eyes

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Happy 9 years of one direction 💖 which year did you guys become a fan? I did in 2012 🤩


He groans as he stands from the hard plastic chair, stretching slightly to loosen his aching muscles.

There's a soft knock on the hospital door, before a doctor with greying hair steps in.

"Good evening lad, we're here to do a check up and run some tests. It's going to take a couple of hours at least, so you can go home, freshen up and come back tomorrow morning, yeah?"

"Tomorrow morning?" He asks frantically. "Are you kidding? I'm not leaving him here alone overnight. What if something crops up in the middle of the night. I can't leave him."

As much as he misses the comfort of his own bed, he can't leave him.

"I understand your worry, lad, but he would want you to take care of yourself too, you know?" The doctor says, nodding his head towards his unconscious boyfriend. "You cannot pour from an empty cup, son. Take care of yourself first."  


"Listen to me, Harry Styles. I know you're scared and you can try to push me away as much as you want, but I'd still rather be with you. Even at your worst." Niall says, thumbs running soothing circles on the tops of Harry's cheekbones.

His green eyes soften, and Niall can see the vulnerability, the sadness and the fear in his eyes.

"Everything's so messed up, Niall." Harry whispers frustratedly, carding his fingers through his curls, pulling on them roughly.

"Shit, and I haven't even called the school to tell them I can't come in to teach today. Dammit, everything's so–"

"Harry, hey shh, calm down for me, pet." Niall calls softly, gently holding Harry's hand and pulling it away from his hair, making him focus his eyes back on his blue ones.

"Don't worry about your school, I'll call them for you later on to let them know you're taking next week off because you're not feeling too good okay?" Niall soothes.

"This wasn't supposed to happen. Not again." Harry whispers, more to himself as he shakes his head vehemently.

Niall sighs deeply as he mulls over all the words he wishes to say.

He can see the pain in his eyes. He can see that his boyfriend is trying his hardest to mask himself in the identity of being okay, but he can see right through his green eyes. He sees past the mask that's trying to hide his weakness.

Niall shifts closer to the taller lad, reaching a hand out to gently guide Harry's head down to his shoulder.

Harry buries his face in Niall's neck while the blonde climbs onto his lap then wraps his arms around his shoulders while Harry's drape over his waist.

"You're such a fighter, my love." Niall speaks softly, stroking his long curls lovingly. "Such a strong fighter, you are. And sometimes you may have to fight a battle more than once to win it, right?"

"But I just.. I'm so tired, Ni." Harry says defeatedly. "Cancer ruined me two years ago, I don't want it to ruin me again."

Niall shakes his head, holding Harry closer, tighter. "Cancer didn't ruin you, love. If it did, you wouldn't even be here. You'll be okay. I promise. One crack doesn't mean you're broken."

Harry doesn't say anything, only snuggles his face deeper into Niall's neck.

"Why don't you take a nap, darling?" Niall suggests, slowly moving back from the hug so he can see Harry's face. "Been a tiresome morning, yeah?"

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