15 ✧ you'll be alright

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Letter recap:

Dear Harry,

Thank you, I appreciate the nice compliment (about being insightful), but to be honest, I think it's just me trying to heed my own advice. (Key word; trying)

I completely understand what you mean though— about not knowing what it takes to make you happy. Because I'm experiencing the same thing.

To be honest, I don't think I've completely gotten out of that hole I was in when I hit my rock bottom, contrary to what you've mentioned about me 'soaring'. I wish I was though.

But you know, my mum always used to tell me that you can't look for reasons to be happy, it must come from you.

Easier said than done, obviously. And thing is, I just can't distinguish the thin line between: letting the happiness come from me, and searching for happiness. Because if you don't search for it, how do you know what makes you happy, right?

But maybe that's the thing? If it comes from you, then you wouldn't have to search for anything in the first place? Maybe.

But when it seems like you have everything, you should be happy, shouldn't you not? I mean, I have everything going great for me, riches and wealth and all, but I just can't find it in myself to be truly happy, you know?

I see others being happy with their family and I think to myself, wow, I want that— happiness. Growing up, my parents, my dad especially, was never really around. He missed my birthdays, my football matches, and even my graduation from high school. But he would always try to make it up to me by buying me expensive gifts. And sure, it's great to have the newest phones and watches etc, but all I wanted was his time.. his love.

I don't have that, but I have a feeling that that's what'll make me happy— love. And it may not necessarily be in the romantic sense, but familial love could be a good start.

That's not too much to ask for, is it?

Anyway, enough about me. I just want to let you know, Harry, that you shouldn't be doing anything that hinders you from your happiness. I can tell that you're a very selfless person, but sometimes it's good to put your own needs before other's for a change.

Think of the special reasons and how privileged it is to be alive— to breathe, to think freely, to enjoy, and to do the things you love. And hold on to that. Hold onto everything that makes you glad you are alive.

You have shed sweat and tears to become the person you are today, and yes, maybe there are bits of you that are broken and damaged, but you can't see them that way. Instead, see them as experiences and truths and learn from the hurt. Let us both try to do that, yeah? Deal?

I know you're a great guy, Harry. You are an incredible person, and believe it or not, you make this world a little bit more wonderful. To me, at least, and to many too, I'm sure. You have so much potential and passion that I believe one day, you'll soar high. Maybe one day you'll even become a famous singer. Just don't forget me when you're touring the world. ;)

Let us soar together, yeah?

Love, S.

p.s I reckon your voice would sound absolutely amazing singing a little bit of the 1975 or Shania Twain. Not that you don't sound amazing now, because you do. Really amazing, in fact.

p.p.s I give you my word, you can trust me with whatever difficulties you have. Because believe me, I actually think we're more alike than we think. This can be our very own little secret, yeah?

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