≈Mephisto Pheles≈ sick of it pt2

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On my way to Mephisto's office, I tried to distract myself with everything I could. From flowers to nearby ice cream shops, i used it all to keep me from focusing on the massive issue i had to take care of. Eventually, however, I reached the side of campus where there was little to no distraction.

With a sad sigh, I made a beeline to the principal's building each step more suffocating than the last until I finally stood at the large red door of the principal's building. The butler who opened the door for me seemed bored at first but once he saw my face his eyes lit up with an emotion similar to hope.

"Ms. (Y/n), welcome back." I kindly smiled at him before continuing on down the large long hallways. I'd never recognized just how big this place was and now that I had, anxiety filled my veins. Amaimon or Mephisto could be watching from anywhere and I was absolutely oblivious to their location.

Who knows, maybe they didn't even need to be in my vicinity. Maybe they had some power that let them know my whereabouts. My gulp echoed loudly in the elegant hall making me walk even faster than I had been before.

When they'd pass me, the few house workers would give a smile but that was the only relief I could get from my anxieties.

After doing a few breathing exercises to call my senses, I pushed open the office door to be shocked with the sight of a disheveled woman sleeping in the corner while the J-pop loving demon whom she'd probably slept with sat at his desk dealing with what looked to be paperwork.

"Seriously? You tell me to come here and still bring some random woman to sleep with? Isn't that a bit rude?" Mephisto barely met my gaze but during the few seconds he had, I noticed small dark circles under his eyes. 'How did I not notice those at the dorm?'

I squinted my eyes for a better look to see that he'd layered his eyeliner to cover them but didn't do anything more.

"I'd been looking for you (y/n)."

"Then why didn't you just come to one of my classes?"

"I've already carried and picked you up from them too many times. If I'd suddenly pulled you out, that could attract too much-unwanted attention." The man's voice was barely audible yet in it I could still hear the dull sensation of pain.


"Yes (y/n)?" My mind roared at me to ask what was wrong or do anything to make him see that I was worried though I ignored it defiantly.

"Why am I here?" From the look that his handsome green eyes gave me, it was clear that the question did more damage than I was hoping. For a long second, he stayed silent before shaking his head and returning to the work before him.

"It seems I've forgotten." He said with false joy. "You can go. It was nothing anyway."



"You're lying to me. You've been lying to me since I walked into this office."

"How so?"

"You didn't look for me because you already knew I'd go to Rin and Yukio, the reason you didn't come to my classes is that you're forgetting how to keep up that persona of yours and don't want the students to see that. Also, you know damn well why you asked me here, you just don't want to tell me." I sighed as he met my eyes. "You may be mysterious and all but I've lived with you for an unbelievably long time. Don't think the same tricks you use on other people will work on me."

"You're fuming." He hummed gently.

"You know how much I hate being lied to Mephy-isto" It took everything in me not to facepalm making The demon before me chuckle to himself.

"Are you really curious as to why you're here?"


"It's because I wanted to talk to you again, dear." I watched as Mephisto stood up trying to form his next words. His face was a mixture of exhaustion and hope. "Also, I've been under the weather lately and can't find a nurse who's as careful as you."

"Maybe because they're demons?"

"There's that too." A small laugh left me at Mephisto's nervousness.

"Do you still have my kit?" He mummered something that made my medical kit appear in a poof of pink smoke. "Ok, then sit down in a chair."

My ex didn't break eye contact as he sat back in his office chair and I began to organize my tools on his desk.
"So Mephisto, what did you want to talk about?"

"You leaving." I began to remove his eyeliner to better analyze the area around his eyes.

"OK, what about it?"

"Why didn't you come back?"

"Because if you didn't fix the problem while the relationship was going on, what assurance did I have that you'd fix it after I was gone?" I slightly flinched at just how tired he seemed when I'd finished removing the makeup.

"I know, it's awful."

"Don't you sleep?"

"I don't need sleep darling, it's only a luxury for us."

"Then have you been eating right? How's your emotional state?"

"I guess i haven't been eating the best." His droopy green eyes averted from mine as if he were reflecting on some rather painful memories.

"And emotionally?"

"Might i be honest with you?"

"If I'm supposed to take care of you then you'd have to be." The fake smile he'd plastered in his handsome face slowly fell and he gently took my arm to pull me closer. It was obvious where this was going but i was too curious to stop him. I wanted to see how this all played out.

Mephisto leaned up to breath against my lips before sealing the kiss which i eagerly responded to. Feeling More confident, he stood up yanking my waist against his. I moaned against his lips, fully giving myself to him until i remembered something that made me pull away. The handsome man looked at me as if I'd just taken away his favorite candy but i ignored it, beginning to pack my things away

"You're sad. Get over it and you'll feel better."


"No, don't darling me when you have another whore laying in the corner."

"That isn't mine. Amaimon decided to bring home some woman he'd found last night."

"Why would he do that?"

"I believe she's an old friend of his."

"Doesn't matter, i made a commitment not to succumb to you anyway." Once i was all packed i went to leave but his sudden grip on my hip left me still.

"Just because we don't do it often doesn't mean demons can't change dear. All we need is a reason." His voice went soft towards the end making me melt into his chest, inevitably giving into his eccentric charm.



"I hate you so damn much."

"I love you too dear."

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