≈Yata≈ Crushes Pt. 1

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(Y/n) lay on her simple black couch as she surfed through her phone. The night wasn't providing her any entertainment and she found herself kinda bored. Her notification bell rang and the top of her screen was lined with Yata's name. 'It has been a while since we hung out. Maybe I should pop on over and see him.'

She didn't find trouble in making her decision to visit and threw on a black t-shirt, some ripped jeans, and a pair of black conversation go out in.

Once ready, she walked outside to see the lovely city lights glittering against the street and the cool nighttime breeze brushed against her skin 'It's definitely a nice night out.' She plugged in her headphones then tapped a random playlist and stuffed her phone in her back pocket before making her way down the street

Yata sighed taking a sip of his drink that Kusanagi had made him.

"Bored?" Asked the blonde.

"Yeah." Yata pulled out his phone in hopes of finding entertainment but he could barely turn it on before the bar's doorbell jingled, signifying someone's entrance.

"Hey, guys." (Y/n) smiled and they all replied with a welcoming of their own. Yata glanced at her with a shy smile. This didn't go unnoticed by Kusanagi who beckoned (y/n) over.

"How would you like something to drink?"

"Thank you. Could you make me something sweet but strong?" He nodded and she sat next to Yata who still had yet to say anything to her. Seeing as she'd mainly come to meet with him, she tapped his back. "Hey, where's my hug?"

At his lack of reply, Chitose sat next to the pretty (h/c)ette with a charming smile.

"What's up?"

"Nothing but boredom." Yata watched the two talk and frowned to himself. Sure he had yet to say anything her but it was a bit hard when they were so close. With an internal sigh, he finally spoke up. 

"Wanna go somewhere else?"

"And so he speaks!" (Y/n)'s exclamation made a few people laugh while her friend just looked away to hide the raging blush that inflamed his cheeks. She didn't see but was a bit put off by his avoidance her. Of all their years being friends Yata was rarely quiet and never ignored her. "Hey did I do something? "

"I-it's nothing."

"A lovely drink for the lovely lady." Kusanagi slid over a lovely decorated pink drink that looked almost too good to be true

"Thank you." Kusanagi wanted to start small talk but Yata took (y/n)'s hand and dragged her out the bar door. The group was silent before Kusanagi and Chitose looked at each other with a smirk adorning their handsome faces.

"He likes her." Mumbled Anna and Mikoto chuckled from beside her.


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