Chapter 2

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*Continued From Chapter 1*

Diannes POV

I ran over to AJ, jumping into his arms, the male swinging me round, putting me down, hugging me tightly. I clung onto him tightly, tears rolling down my cheeks.
"I-I cant believe youre here." He cried, looking down at me.
"Neither can I." I sniled, wiping my eyes.
"Didn't tell us your friend was coming?" Aljaž said.
"I didnt know." AJ smiled. "Also guys Jacks having a party at his later and youre all invited." He looked down at me.
"You wanna be there?"
"Whos gonna be there?"
"Everyone." He said. My eyes lit up. Id see them again.

Id see Joe again.

I was knocked out my thoughts when our instructor walked in, explaining to me how everything would go. I nodded, the instructor letting us continue to stretch and warm up.
"Okay, today were going to be working on our foxtrots, so you will all need to find a partner."
I smiled, running over to AJ. Janette partnered with Aljaž and Katya partnered with Neil. Johannes partnered with a girl called Amy and Kevin partnered with a girl called Nadiya. We all got into our ballroom holds, each of us practising the steps our instructor gave us.
"So you didnt miss much." AJ started as we danced. "Jack and I are still together, so are Lauren and Josh. Caspar has had a few girlfriends but none have really stuck. Oli, Mikey, Byron and Conor have been doing their own things."
"What are their jobs now?" I asked.
"Well most of us are youtubers, Conor is also a musician, so is Byron. Jacks also a DJ as well. Laurens a Paralymic Triathlete."
"Wait she made it?" I smiled brightly.
"Of course she did." AJ said, both of us stopping.
"What about-"
"Joe?" AJ raised an eyebrow. "He hasnt loved anyone since you left. He hasnt really been the same since you left." He sighed. "When you first left he was miserable. Scarlett started targeting him and he couldnt defend himself. It was like he was awake but no one was in." He continued. I teared up a little. "As we got older he got better, however he couldnt move on. No girl felt right for him." He got stopped by our instructor, telling us to continue practice. We got back into hold, practicing the dance.

After the lesson we all headed back to our dorms, Janette and Katya walking with me.
"So Di, you coming to the party?" Janette asked.
"Of course!" I smiled. "I get to see all my old friends again."
"Wait did you go to school with them too?" Katya asked. I nodded.
"What were they like?" Janette giggled.
"Dicks at first. They used to bully me." I said, both of them gasping.
"Wait AJ?"
"No not AJ, he joined latet in the year. However the other boys did."
"Weve met them a couple times, they see really nice?" Katya raised an eyebrow.
"They were nice after a year and a bit of bullying me." I sniffed, heading to my small room. I checked the time. 2:31pm.
"Hey guys!" I yelled.
"What is it?" Janette yelled back.
"What times the party!"
"They normally start at 6!"
"Thanks!" I called. I had a few hours to get ready, meaning I had about an hour to kill before we left. I grabbed my phone, going onto youtube. I typed in 'Joe Sugg', seeing a channel called 'ThatcherJoe' come up.
"Is this him?" I muttered, clicking onto the channel. I smiled. He hadnt changed. He looked older. However he was still my Joe. I clicked on the most recent video, it being a video of Joe pranking Josh. I laughed slightly. Hes still just as funny and creative. After watching that video I went and found the othet boys channels, watching a video from each one. They were surprisingly entertaining. I smiled, checking the time. 3:42. I jumped up, grabbing a short black skirt and a black tight top. I carried them to the bathroom, seeing it empty. I walked in, locking the door and stripping down before getting in the shower. I washed my hair, washed my body, shaved all over before getting out. I dried myself off, towel drying my hair before getting dressed. I hung my towels up, walking back to my room. I could hear Katya badly singing along to a song while there was a faint noise of a hairdryer coming from Janettes room. I laughed a little, walking into my room. I brushed my hair, getting any small knots out before drying it. I took out my curlers, loosly curling my hair, gently pushing it behind my shoulder. I put on my necklace, one Joe had gotten me a while ago. I still kept it, not able to let go.
"Dianne!" Katya yelled.
"Were gonna leave soon!"
I checked the time. 5:25pm. I took out my makeup back, putting on some light makeup, however wearing a red lipstick. I smiled, walking to my wardrobe, taking out my knee high boots, slipping them on and zipping them up at the back before walking into the living area.
"Dianne smell this!" Janettes said, spraying me with her perfume.
"Smells like roses, I like it."
"Good. The smell stays a while." Janette smiled before linking her arm with mine. "Now, lets go find the boys before going to this party." She giggled. We walked down the hall, going and getting Aljaž, Kevin and Johannes first before getting Niel and AJ.
"Right, lets go." AJ said, walking ahead of us all. I walked with Kevin and Johannes, getting to know them better. They were both incredibly funny and easy to get along with, so I knew Id have no trouble making friends with them.

We got to the apartment block and I began to slow down. AJ looked back and walked over, putting a hand on my shoulder.
"Youll be alright okay?" He said softly. "Itll be just like old times."
"B-but what if they react badly."
"Well concidering they dont know youre coming, Im sure theyll be delighted." He smiled. "Besides, Joes there." He whispered. I smiled a little, a light blush dusting my cheeks and nose as we walked in. We walked up the stairs to the right floor, and you could hear the music coming from the end of the hallway. We walked over, AJ walking in first. The others all piled in and I walked in slowly. I saw Jack giving AJ a kiss before hugging the others. He hugged Kevin before looking up, his eyes meeting mine.
"No way!" He pulled me into a tight hug. "Theres no fucking way that youre here!"
"I am." I smiled.
"Wait, I have an idea." He said, sneaking me upstairs. I hid in his wardrobe, Jack telling me he was going to get the others upstairs before having them find me. After a few minutes I heard footsteps coming up the stairs.
"Jack dont tell me you got strippers." I heard Caspar say.
"No I didn't. Just go open the wardrobe." Jack said. I heard footsteps come closer, the door swinging open. I couldn't ever say hello before Lauren pulled me into the tightest hug.
"DIANNE!" She squealed.
"LAUREN!" I laughed slightly. "AJ told me you made it to the paralymics."
"I told you Id do you proud."
"You did." I smiled. I hugged each of the other boys individually before looking up.


I slowly walked over to him, however he grabbed me, picking me up and holding me close. We didnt say anything, tears running down both our cheeks. I clung onto him just like I did 10 years ago. He put me down, wiping the tears from my eyes.
"I-I dont know what to say." He sniffed, wiping his own eyes.
"Then dont say anything." I whispered, putting a hand on his cheek before hugging him again. The others didnt say anything, letting us have this moment.

Joes POV

This must be a dream. Theres no way the girl I've been waiting for for 10 years is standing here in my arms. I was speechless. After all this time she came back. I couldnt believe it. I thought Id lost her forever.
"W-when did you get back?" I whispered.
"Yesterday. Also I must say your channels are quite entertaining." She giggled, making us all laugh.
"Wait how did you know about our channels?"
"AJ told me this morning when I saw him." I said.
"Dont kill me!" AJ put his hands up. "I wanted it to be a surprise."
"Well its a great surprise." I said, refusing to let go, scared that if I did shed be on a plane back to Australia.

I missed her more than I ever thought I did.


You guys happy? Im not all that mean!

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