Chapter 30

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*A Month Later*


I was sat in a dress shop with Dianne, Lauren, Nadiya and Chloe. They were our bridesmaids and maid of honour. I know technically there wasnt a bride but we still wanted bridesmaids. Each girl had a different colour. Dianne was going to be wearing green, Lauren was going to wesr purple, Nadiya was going to wear blue and Chloe was going to wear pink. Jack and I wanted similar style dresses for each girl however each dress was to be a little different to show originality. I smiled, Chloe stepping out from the changing rooms. The dress stopped at her ankles. It was a light pink, tight around the top and gently flowed at the bottom. It had no straps and fit her perfectly.
"Chloe you look amazing!" I smiled and she twirled round.
"I think this is the one." She said.
"So do I. I know Jack will love it." I said, walking over to get a closer look. It was perfect. I smiled, the lady taking Chloe to help take the dress off and put the packaging over it to keep it from getting damaged. I smiled, Nadiya coming out and showing off her dress. I smiled. It had one strap, the light blue dress fitting her frame perfectly. She spun round, laughing a little. We agreed on the dress, and she didnt notice but I had taken a phone, sending it to Caspar. The two werent together but it was clear that they both liked each other. It was painful for us all to watch them flirt then say they didnt like each other. It was like Lauren and Josh all over again. It would only be a matter of time before one of them made a move. However I didnt know who it would be.
"I hate wearing dresses!" Lauren complained. I laughed, Chloe and Nadiya joining in as they had taken seats next to me after their dresses were packaged.
"Lauren Im sure its fine. Show us." I said. She sighed, walking out the changing room, Chloe and Nadiya squealing.
"You look amazing!" They gasped. The dress had two straps that crossed over at the back. It was a lilac and flowy.  Lauren smiled slightly.
"Its not the worst dress Ive seen."
"Lauren you look perfect." I smiled, getting a picture before she could stop me.
"Hey!" She frowned.
"You saw nothing." I giggled. "Anyway. The dress is perfect Lauren."
"If you say so." She sighed, walking back to the changing rooms, walking out in ripped jeans and a jumper. "This is better." She hummed, sitting down next to us. She smiled, taking out her phone, smiling a little.
"Messaging Josh again?" Chloe teased.
"I-I ummm....maybe." Lauren blushed, looking back at her phone.
"Guys." Dianne called. "I like this one!"
"Lemme see!" I giggled. She walked out, all of us looking up at her. The dress was strapless, the mint green fabric holding ontk her body however was loose in some places too. She twirled round, smiling brightly.
"Dianne you look amazing." I gasped, taking a quick picture to send to Joe later on.
"Thank you!" She giggled before walking back to the dressing room to get changed.

Once all the dresses were ready to go we paid, carrying them all to the car. Carefully we put them in, making sure they wouldnt damage on the drive back to everyones houses. Chloe and Dianne were singing along to the radio, Lauren looking ready to strangle the two of them however couldnt help but laugh and join in after a while. I laughed, pulling up outside Chloes apartment building. She carefully got her dress out, saying goodbye before walking inside. I smiled, starting up the car before driving Lauren home. We laughed the whole way to her apartment, Dianne making stupid jokes.
"Right, Ill see you guys somewhen." Lauren laughed a little, getting her dress before walking inside.
"Right guys. Back to the academy." I said. We all had a lesson the next day so we were all staying there. Well, Nadiya stayed at the dorms all the time anyway. I sighed, pulling up in the student car park, the three of us getting out. The girls carried their dresses up to their dorms, saying goodbye as they walked to them. I smiled, putting my hands in my pockets as I walked into my dorm, seeing Neil curled up under a blanket.
"Why is it so cold in here?"
"I opened the window but I don't want to get  up to open it." Neil smiled innocently. I huffed, rolling my eyes playfully as I closed the window.
"Youll be fine now." I laughed, sitting on the sofa next to him, listening to him talk about his day.

Laurens POV

I walked inside, seeing that Josh was still at Joes filming. I sighed, putting the dress in my wardrobe before taking out one of Joshs hoodies and some pyjama shorts. I put them on, throwing my clothes in the washbin before walking downstairs. I made myself a hot chocolate, sitting down on the sofa, wrapping myself up in a blanket before turning on the TV, watching The Boy In The Stripped Pyjamas. This was the only film I have watched that has ever made me cry. I sighed, watching the film until the end, a few tears rolling down my cheeks. I didn't notice Josh walking in.
"You okay?" He asked, walking over. He then looked at the screen and realised why I was crying. "Dont cry." He wiped my cheeks before kissing me softly. "Anyway, its late. We should probably go up to bed."
"Carry me. Im tired." I giggled. Josh huffed, picking me up, leaving the blanket on the sofa, taking me up to our room. I smiled, resting my head on his shoulder as he carried me before laying me down. I curled myseld up in a ball under the duvet, Josh soon holding me close to him as I fell into a dreamless sleep.


Sorry about the sudden time skip. I think itll help me get my fanfic back together.

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