Chapter 34

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Warning: Harsh languags, quite a mean prank.

*A Week Later*

Joes POV

Caspar and I were going to film a video for my channel, however we were figuring out what to do.
"Maybe we could 'accidently' butt dial people." I suggested.
"What?" Caspar laughed.
"When your phone is unlocked and you accidently call someone using your butt however you dont know."
"Sounds good." He said, the both of us beginning to write down who to call and what we were going to do while calling them. Once we figured out who we were calling and what we were saying I set up the filming equipment, turning on the lights and microphone, pressing record on the camera before sitting on Byrons bed next to Caspar, doing the intro of the video.

I laughed, calling Josh before putting the phone down. When he picked up we properly started the conversation.
"I just dont know how we will break it to him."
"Caspar you got her pregnant!"
"I know! Josh will kill me!"
"What are you going to do? What is Lauren going to do?"
"I dont know. Would he break up with her?"
"I dont know. Josh wouldnt even be the dad of Laurens first child! It would ki-"

He hung up.

"Shit." I laughed. "He probably knows were joking." I said, ending the video there, turning off the camera. Caspar laughed, his phone beeping. He checked it, his eyes widening.
"Joe....I don't think he knew it was a prank." He whispered, the two of us looking at the texts he was receiving.

Josh: Caspar.
Josh: Im going to fucking kill you.
Josh: How fucking dare you.
Josh: Youre dead.
Josh: You.
Josh: Are.
Josh: Dead.

I looked up at Caspar. The both of us gulping. We both knew that Josh would kill us, even if we told him it was a joke. I sighed, waiting for him to finally show up at our house. Probably with a knife.

Laurens POV

I was sat at home watching Harry Potter, smiling as the door opened.
"Hey ba-"
"How could you?" Josh yelled.
"What?" I looked up at him.
"You fucked my best friend then let him get you pregnant."
"Josh what are you on about?" I asked, flinching at the screaming.
"Joe accidently called me. I heard all about how Caspar has gotten you pregant!"
"Babe Im not pregnant." I said, taking his hand in mine. "Caspar and I have never had sex. You know I wouldnt cheat on you." I sniffed, my eyes glossing over with tears, a couple rolling down my cheeks. Did Josh not trust me? I looked down, my head being tilted up.
"Promise. Promise that you didnt."
"I promise." I whispered. "I promise I didnt. Ill take a test if you need me to." I said.
"I believe you." He sighed, pulling me into a tight hug. "Those boys are fucking dead."
"Oh trust me. They are."

Caspars POV

I was about to leave Joes however that plan was cut short when Josh and Lauren walked in. If looks could kill, Joe and I would be dead on the floor. Lauren walked over, slapping me.
"Thats for making up bullshit." She snapped before slapping Joe. "Thats for helping the idiot." She said before slapping me again.
"What was that for?"
"Fun." She snapped, rolling her eyes. Josh walked over, looking down at both of us, the two of us gulping a little.
"What the fuck is wrong with you both." He snapped. "I know you were filming. If that isnt taken out of the video both of you will be dead. Ill personally kill you both." He threatened us, grabbing Joe by his shirt. "And Id happily do the same to Dianne if I had to." He snapped before pushing him away, Joe falling back onto the sofa. Both of us were speechless as the two exited the apartment.

Joshs POV

I pulled Lauren close as we walked back into our own apartment. I closed the door, the girl hugging me tightly, sniffing. I wrapped my arms round her, letting her cry into my chest.
"W-what if p-people find out b-but dont know the story. W-what if the press see a-and s-start calling m-me a s-slut." She cried.
"Hey hey." I cooed. "I wont let it get out. If it does Ill be right by your side okay. Ill make sure those two assholes dont let that clip go anywhere and Ill make sure Joe deletes it otherwise there will be hell to pay." I said, picking her up, carrying her upstairs. She wiped her eyes, the mascara she was wearing smudged round her eyes. "Havent I told you soo many times. You dont need to wear makeup baby." I smiled, kissing her forehead as I sat her down. She nodded, sniffling as she wiped it all off, her freckles showing a lot better. I took out one of my shirts, handing it to her and allowing her to change before I stripped down to my boxers. I closed the curtains, making sure to lock the doors in the apartment along with the windows. When I got back to our room Lauren was already asleep, curled up in a little ball on her side of the bed. I smiled and kissed her forehead before getting in on my side, checking my phone.

*3 messages from Joe*

Joe: Mate Im really sorry.
Joe: We didn't mean to hurt you.
Joe: Please forgive us.

*2 messages from Caspar*

Caspar: Josh Im really sorry. I shouldve known this would have hurt you and Lauren.
Caspar: Please forgive us.

I put my phone down, deciding to ignore the messages until the morning. I wrapped my arms round Lauren, bringing the sleeping girl closer, feeling her cuddle into my. I smiled, rubbing gentle circles on her hips before I slowly fell asleep


Tea sisters.

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