Chapter 27

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Warning: Lauren and Scarlett starting tea again. (Whats new??)

*Monday Morning*

Diannes POVl

We were all in dance class practicing our Charlestons. AJ laughed since I had fallen over after tripping up over my own feet.
"It wasnt that funny." I pouted, AJ pulling me up.
"It was. It really was." He said, the both of us laughing before continuing to work. We heard the door shut, our teacher leaving. I sighed, about to go talk to Janette however she was already kissing Aljaž.
"Keep it PG!" Giovanni laughed.
"Ugh. Straights." AJ joked, everyone bursting into fits of laughter. Our teacher walked in, shouting at us to continue working. I sighed, AJ and I continuing to dance. I smiled, not falling over, getting to the end of our routine flawlessly.
"This reminds me of when we were back at school."
"Those were good lessons." He smiled, the two of us continuing to go through our routine over and over.

Once the lesson was over I walked to the dorm with Janette and Katya.
"So Di, hows Joe?"
"Hes good." I smiled.
"Treating you well?"
"Hes treating me very well." I giggled, blushing a little.
"Good. Wouldnt want it any other way." Katya smiled, diving onto the sofa. "Ive missed you sofa."
"Katya..." Janette shook her head, laughing slightly as she sat down. I walked to the kitchen, making each of us a cup of tea. I gave the two their teas before sitting with mine. We all drank them in silence until my phone rang.
"One second girls." I smiled.

Dianne: Hey Joe Joe.
Joe: Hey babe. Wanna come round for a couple drinks. Inviting everyone and Scarlett too. Maybe after a few drinks her and Lauren may get along.
Dianne: Yeah Ill be over soon baby. Love you.
Joe: Love you too.

I hung up, looking back at Katya and Janette.
"Sorry girls. Boyfriend calls."
"Thats fine." Janette smiled.
"That means she can go screw Aljaž." Katya said, the two of us bursting into fits of laughter, Janette going bright red.
"N-no it doesnt."
"It definitely does." I laughed, walking to my room. I quickly got changed, throwing my hair up into a ponytail before leaving the dorm.

I got to Joes in about 15 minutes, walking straight in. Everyone was there, Lauren already glaring at Scarlett. I dont blame her for hating Scarlett but she needed to give her a chance. I sat down next to Joe, seeing an untouched glass of wine. I picked it up and took a sip. I smiled, all of us slowly drinking more and more until we were either tipsy or drunk. Except AJ who had gone though a whole carton of orange juice. I laughed, leaning against Joe. I looked at Scarlett, seeing her looking at Josh for about a second.
"What are you doing?" Lauren snapped.
"Nothing I-"
"You what?" She stood up, Josh standing with her, holding her hand.
"Lauren calm down I didnt do anything!"
"You were looking at my boyfriend werent you? You havent finished tring to ruin my life have you. I knew it!" She snarled. Scarlett looked down.
"Lauren I just want to make things right." She stood up. Laugh scoffed.
"Oh please. That's the last thing youre trying to do. If you were that worried why didnt you find us sooner to aplogise? You wouldve known where to find us were not exactly invisible." She snapped.
"I know its just-"
"Just what?"
"I knew you'd act this way. You wouldny forgive me."
"What did you expect!" Lauren laughed slightly. "The endless days of you making fun of me, tourmenting me. Now Im just meant to forgive you like nothing happened?"
"Thats not what Im saying."
"It sure seems like it." Lauren scoffed, sitting back down. Josh sighed, sitting next to her, whispering something to her thay seemed to calm her down a lot more. She smiled, resting her head on his shoulder. I glanced at Scarlett, putting a hand on her shoulder.
"Youll be okay." I said softly. "Come with me." I took her hand, walking her up to Joes room.
"Why are we up here?" Scarlett asked, looking at me as we sat down on his bed.
"Theres something you should know." I sighed. "When we were back at school and you teased Lauren on everything. She had a very hard time at home. Her mum hurt her, wanted to stop her from chasing her own dreams, was never proud of anything she did." I sighed. "On top of everything else she thought no one would love her. Thought no one would ever even like her."
"T-thats awful." Scarlett whined.
"Yeah. It is." I sighed. "When she got with Josh, and after that she did get incredibly protective over him. She still is. Quite cute actually. Anyway, when someone does give him a look, she will snap." I sighed.
"Should I go apologise?" Scarlett asked.
"You should. It would be best to." I smiled. We walked back downstairs, taking our seats.
"Lauren, can I talk to you?"

Laurens POV

I looked at her.
"If you have to." I scoffed, the two of us walking upstairs. I looked at her, my hand on my hip.
"I just wanted to apologise. I didnt realise everything I did had such an affect along with everything else." I looked down.
"How do you know about that."
"Dianne. She was just trying to help."
"I know. I know." I smiled. "Shes like that." I looked back at Scarlett. "However how do I know youre truly sorry?"
"I am. I promise I am."
"I swear if you hurt me again. I will kill you." I snapped.
"I know that's serious. I promise I wont hurt you." She smiled, giving me a hug.

Scarletts POV

She froze. I held the hug, gently rubbing her back.
"You dont have to be so scared." I smiled.
"I-I want-"
"Ill go get him." I sat her down, running downstairs.
"Is she alright?" Josh asked, standing up. I shook my head, not having to say anything. He ran upstairs, me chasing after him. When I got into Joes room I smiled, seeing Josh comforting Lauren. He was crouched down in front of her, his hands on her shoulders, whispering something to her. He reached up, wiping a tears off her cheek. I stayed silent, Lauren pulling him into a tight hug.

I guess this is what love was.


Im obsessed with Losh content atm and I dont know why

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