Chapter 13

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Warning: Pure fluff the whole time.

(This chapter is written in 5 POVs. Each new POV will start back in the morning. Did this type of chapter in Never Have I Ever and people seemed to like it so Im trying it again xx)


Katya's POV

I smiled, waking up in Neils arms. I had spent the night in his dorm since AJ had gone out and Janette wanted our dorm since Dianne had gone to Joes. I rested my head on his chest, waiting for him to wake up.
"Hey baby." He smiled, kissing my forehead.
"Mornin." I said sweetly, my accent coming through. We both sat up, Neil quickly checking his phone.
"No way!"
"What?" I asked, looking over his shoulder. AJ had posted, telling everyone that him and Jack were engaged. "Aww!" I giggled, grabbing my phone. We both commented congratulations, seeing that the others had too.
"Took them long enough." Neil laughed slightly.
"I know!" I said, kissing his cheek before getting up. I stretched, walking to the kitchen. I could hear footsteps behind me and soon felt Neil wrap his arms round me. I smiled, letting him hug me as I made two cups of coffee. I turned round, handing one to him before taking mine. We walked to the sofa, sitting down, putting on the small tv that the academy supplied. We went to one of the movie channels, finding that Toy Story was on. It was one of our favourites so that was put on. Neil grabbed a blanket, draping it over the both of us. I smiled, holding my coffee as I leant into his arms a little more. He gently rubbed circles on my hips, causing me to hum happily as we watched the film. I finished my coffee, putting the empty to the side, cuddling closer to Neil.
"Someone seems to be in a cuddly mood today." He chuckled.
"When am I not?" I giggled, sitting on his lap, resting my head on his chest as he played with my hair. We continued to watch the film, only talking every so often. We enjoyed each others company enough to just not talk, knowing we were comfortable with just cuddling. He kissed my forehead, causing me to look up at him. I smiled, kissing him gently, feeling him move his hands down to my hips. I smiled, putting my hands on his cheeks before pulling away.
"I love you."
"I love you too."

Joshs POV

I woke up to the smell of bacon. I got up, pulling on a hoodie, walking to my kitchen. I smiled, seeing Lauren making breakfast for the both of us.
"Morning baby." I smiled, kissing her cheek, taking a sip of the water she had left on the side for me, a half drunk glass next to it.
"Hey." She smiled, putting the bacon onto the bread before turning round and handing one of the plates for me. We sat down at the table, talking about what we were going to do for the day.
"I need to start training so- JACK AND AJ ARE ENGAGED!" She yelled.
"Wait what?" I gasped, checking my phone to see the post AJ put up. We both commented before finishing breakfast. I put the plates in the dishwasher. "Also you need to wait a couple days before training again." I said, wanting to make sure she was perfectly fine before training.
"No buts." I said, picking her up so she couldnt try to run and hide. "You can stay with me today."
"Well I guess." She pouted. I kissed her softly, carrying her back to our room, sitting down on the bed. She sat on my lap, kissing back gently before pulling away.
"Wanna go see a movie today?" I asked, Lauren nodding quickly.
"Yeah! Can we go see that new horror film that came out!"
"Sounds good to me." I smiled.

When we were both ready I grabbed my keys before we left our apartment, walking down to the car. We got in, Lauren connecting her phone, the both of us singing horrifically on the way to the cinema.
"Ooo can we go to starbucks on the way back?" Lauren giggled.
"If we need to." I laughed, knowing I would take her after the cinema anyway. You couldnt say no to her. Its impossible. I smiled at her before pulling into the car park of the cinema. We walked inside, buying some tickets to the film Lauren wanted to see. We walked over to the sweets, Lauren picking up some packets of sweets, putting them on the counter, looking up at me innocently. I laughed slightly, paying for them as well as paying for our drinks, handing Lauren hers before we headed towards the screening room. We found our seats, talking quietly until the film began.

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