Chapter 10

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Warning: Get ya tissues. Its gonna be a little  sad. (Also mainly Losh. Will go back to being mainly Joanne next chapter xx)

*The Next Morning*

Joshs POV

I sighed, sitting on the chair next to Laurens hospital bed. The room was silent except for the steading beeping of the heart monitor. It gave me slight relief knowing that she was okay. The doctors had told me that she would be okay, however may wake up a little confused having not remembered what happened. The others told me they would come and visit her when she was awake and feeling okay so she wasnt bombarded by people when she woke up. I sighed, taking her hand in mine gently, rubbing circles on hers.
"Please wake up soon." I whispered, cupping her hand between both of mine. "Please."
I hadnt realised I was crying until a tear fell onto my hand. I rarely showed much emotion. Sad ones that is. It was something I kept to myself. However Lauren was the only one that could tell how I felt without me saying anything. I sniffed, wiping my eyes when she moved a little. Her eyes opened, smiling a little when she saw me.
"Why are you crying?" She asked softly.
"I-Im not." I sniffed.
"You are." She whined, trying to sit up however I made her stay laying down.
"Wait here." I kissed her forehead. I walked out her hospital room, finding her doctor. I brought him to Laurens room. He smiled, seeing her awake.
"Miss Steadman, how are you feeling?" He asked.
"My head hurts like hell. My torso hurts too." She sighed. He helped her sit up, making sure she was sitting comfortable.
"Okay. I am going to perscribe you some painkillers. However you will have to stay for a while so we can check that you don't have any internal damage." He said. She nodded.
"How long will it take for me to get better?"
"If you have no breaks or fractures then it wont take long at all." He said. "Maybe a week? Thats when bruises may start to go if not to severe and the cuts you required will begin to go." He continued. She nodded, looking over at me. I gave her a sympathetic smile, knowing Id have to stop her from going out a training until she got better since I wouldnt want her to hurt herself. I sighed, the doctor taking me with him to go get the perscription sheet. I sighed as he printed it off, handing it to me.
"Shell be okay. We can take her in for x-rays while you're gone. Just to check if she has any smalk breaks." He explained.
"Okay. Thank you." I said before leaving the hospital.

On the way to the pharmacy I was stopped by a few fans, however what concerned them more was the sheet in my hand.
"Is that to do with Lauren?" One of them asked after taking pictures. I nodded slowly.
"Its for some stronger painkillers." I explained.
"I hope she gets better soon."
"Ill pass that onto her." I smiled, giving them all one last hug. They thanked me before running off giggling with each other. I smiled, walking into the pharmacy, handing over the parscription. I waited about 20 minutes before collecting the perscription. I walked back to the hospital, having to sit in the waiting room while Lauren was having her x-rays. I sighed, taking out my phone and messaging the boys + Dianne.

Josh: Hey guys. Laurens being x-rayed.
Joe: Shit. Hope shes alright xx
Josh: Hopefully. Theyre just checking for any small breaks or fractures now.
Dianne: That sucks xx Do you know when she can leave?
Josh: Soon hopefully xx

I put my phone away, not checking any of the other replies from the boys. I rubbed my eyes, putting my head in my hands.

Why her?

Diannes POV

I sighed, sitting in Joes living room, curled up under a blanket while he made us both a hot chocolate.
"Do you think Laurens going to be okay?" I asked as he carried the mugs over.
"I think so." He said, handing me one before sitting down. "I hope so. Itll crush Josh."
"I think it has." I sighed. "He never shows emotion however I know that this has killed him."
"Youre right." Joe hummed, sipping the drink before putting the mug down. He put an arm round me, grabbing the controller and turning on Netflix. "Any recommendations?" He asked.
"Hmmmm....." I giggled. "Cinderella?"
"You and Disney." He laughed, finding the film before putting it on. He pulled some of the blanket over himself, then allowed me to curl up on his lap. I smiled, putting my hot chocolate down, resting my head on his chest. I hummed, feeling him play with the ends of my hair, sending me into a peaceful sleep.

Joes POV

I smiled, continuing to play with Diannes hair, blocking out the sound of Cinderella playing in the background. I checked my phone, seeing a message from Josh.

Josh: X-rays came back fine. She should be out by tomorrow.
Joe: Thats great!
Caspar: ❤❤
Josh: Wow Caspar showing love. What a shock.
Joe: Could say the same about you 😏😏
Josh: Fuck off 🙄😂

I smiled, putting my phone down. I turned off the tv, finishing my hot chocolate before carrying Dianne upstairs to bed. It was only midday however she was clearly exhausted since she had barely slept the night before.

Laurens POV

I was sat back in my hospital room, talking to Josh about random things that seemed to come up. He held my hand, sighing softly.
"You scared me Lauren." He whispered. "I-I thought you wouldnt wake up for a long time. T-that they had hurt you that b-bad." He sniffed, looking down at his lap. I frowned, giving his hand a gentle squeeze.
"Hey hey." I said softly. "Im okay now. Ill be okay." I smiled a little as he looked up at me. I sighed, wiping the tears that were rolling down his cheeks. "Dont cry." I whispered. "Im alright." I smiled. He looked at me, smiling a little.
"Im just glad youre okay." He sniffed.
"So am I."


Kinda cute but a little sad.

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