Chapter 16

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Warning: A lotta tea.

*One Week Later*


Jack and I were sat at his apartment looking at wedding venues.
"I like this one." I pointed to one on the computer screen.
"Its cute." Jack smiled. We both wanted it to be perfect, everything had to be right. We finally found a venue, Jack going to call them to see what they could do. We decided to have our wedding in July. During summer. We wanted it outside, under an arch laced with flowers. We were working on our colour scheme still, however we knew we wanted it traditional but fun as well. I smiled, looking at our list of guest. All out friends and our families. I read over it. We decided that Conor would be the best man, Dianne would be our maid of honour. Joe would be the ring barer. We were still discussing what role everyone else would play in our wedding. I smiled, getting a call from Dianne.
"Hey Di, whats wrong?" I asked softly.
"Its Lauren." She said. "Shes come to Joes screaming that she hates Josh."
"Wait what?" I gasped. "Why?"
"She wont say. They havent broken up but she seems really pissed off. Joes headed to Caspars since that is where Josh has gone. Were trying to find out whats wrong so we can work how to fix this." Dianne sighed.
"Right, Ill come over later, Ill send Jacks to Caspars when weve finished with todays wedding plans."
"Have fun. Ill keep you updated." She said before hanging up.
"What was that all about baby?" Jack asked, having gotten off the phone with the venue.
"Lauren and Josh have had some kind of argument." I sighed, leaning against him. "What did the venue say?"
"Theyre booked. We need to find another."

Diannes POV

"I HATE HIM!" Lauren yelled, throwing her phone onto the sofa from the other side of the room.
"I do! I do!" She yelled. "He cant control me! 'Lauren you may hurt yourself if you start training' 'Lauren stay here Im going to a meeting.' 'Lauren be careful dont hurt yourself' UGH! I care take care of myself!" She huffed, chugging the rest of her wine. I sighed putting a hand on her back.
"Lauren, I hate to break it to you but you dont hate him."
"I d-"
"You dont." I smiled. "Youre just a little upset. Josh is just trying to look out for you. You realise youre the first girl he ever truly loved." I said. "He loves you. He cried when you got hurt. He protected you all those years ago." I sat, making her take a seat on one of the stools. "Lauren, he loves you so so much. Dont push him away, and dont let him slip away."

Joshs POV

I was sat on Caspars sofa, head in hands. How could I let her run away like that? I just tried to protect her. I didnt mean to anger her in any way. I leant back, Joe handing me a beer.
"Relax buddy." He smiled. "Dianne will help her come around."
"I hope so. I just want a chance to explain myself. I-I only want whats best for her."
"I know you do." Caspar said. "However shes not a little girl. Shes bright and strong. She can handle herself."
"I know. I just cant help being so protective over her. Especially after when she got attacked."
"I understand. However that was a few weeks ago now. Shell be okay." Joe said. I nodded, taking another sip of my beer. Caspar put the tv on, finding a random football match. We picked a team, not really knowing who which one was. I cheered, my team scoring.
"Ha I win!" I laughed. Joe got up.
"One moment, Diannes calling me."

Joes POV

I walked to the bathroom, picking up the phone.

Joe: Hey Di, whats up?
Dianne: Hey. Laurens fallen asleep on the sofa. I said she can stay the night so she can cool off. Ive kind of come to terms with her however shes still angry.
Joe: Josh is feeling awful. He just tried to protect her.
Dianne: I know. Lauren thinks he doesnt trust her.
Joe: I know he trusts her. He just doesnt want her hurt.
Dianne: Yeah. I told her id go with her to a gym session so she can get back into it. Don't tell Josh. Ill tell him.
Joe: Okay. Just dont let her hurt herself somehow.
Dianne: I won't. Bye.
Joe: See ya Di.

I hung up, walking back to the sofa and sitting down.
"What did she say?" Josh asked.
"Laurens staying over at mine tonight, Diannes still gonna be there. Shes got her to calm down slightly but shes still angry."
"Does she still hate me?" Josh whispered.
"She doesn't hate you Josh. This is something you can get through." I smiled, all of us continuing to watch the match.

Jacks POV

AJ and I managed to find a venue and book in a date. We left our information incase we changed the date or wanted to change venues. We were going there in a few days to look around. Right now however we were  curled up on the sofa, AJ laying in my arms.
"One job down." I smiled.
"One step closer." He giggled, kissing my cheek. I smiled, kissing him gently. He smiled and kissed back before pulling away. I smiled, running my fingers through his fluffy hair. AJ smiled, checking his phone. Dianne had messaged him about an hour ago saying Lauren was asleep and had just sent one saying Lauren had woken up saying she missed Josh. AJ sighed.
"Girls." He laughed.
"Theyll sort it out eventually." I smiled, holding him closer.
"I know." AJ sighed. "I just dont like seeing them both so upset."
"I know you dont." I cooed. "But I know theyll figure it out."
"I hope so." He said before making me carry him to bed. I smiled, laying him down before taking off my shirt, getting in beside him, wrapping my arms round his waist, both of us falling into a deep sleep.


And heres the start of the section Im now calling operation tea.

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