Chapter 19

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*Continuing from last chapter*

Diannes POV

To say I was shocked was an understatement. Janette and Aljaž were the picture perfect couple. How could they have broken up?

Dianne: Wait Aljaž broke up with you?
Janette: Y-Yes....I-I had been flirting too much b-but I d-didnt realise and I d-didnt realise I-I had been hurting h-him.
Dianne: Stay at the dorms, Im coming back okay?

I hung up, looking at Joe.
"Ill see you tomorrow baby, Janette and Aljaž broke up and I need to cheer her up."
"Oh shit, Ill drop you off and see if Aljaž is alright." He said, jumping up, throwing away the empty McDonalds boxes and turning off the lights. We ran down to the car, getting in and driving to the academy, however I made Joe stop off at a co-op so I could grab some ice cream and chocolate. I sat back in the car and we continued our rather fast joirney to the academy. When we got there I ran up to the dorm, walking in to see Katya cradling Janette who was in tears. I walked over, putting the food down, sitting next to Katya, pulling Janette into a hug.
"Shhhhh." I cooed, rubbing her back. She didnt say anything, only letting out sobs every so often.
"I-I just l-love him s-so much a-and I l-let him slip a-away!" Janette cried, Katya gently playing with her hair.
"Were gonna fix this J." Katya said softly, picking up the ice cream tub and opening it, grabbing a couple spoons and walking back. She sat down, putting some ice cream on a spoon before feeding it to Janette while I cuddled her. I sighed, realising I knew how she felt. I sat her down, wrapping the blanket tight around her, getting some tissue and wiping her eyes.
"Youll be alright Janette. We will sort this all out okay?" I said softly.
"I-I just want my baby back...." Janette cried, gently taking the tissue from me, wiping her own eyes.
"I know, I know." I said, glacing at Katya who had been eating the ice cream herself. She smiled innocently, handing the frozen treat to Janette who began to eat while sobbing. I sighed, wondering how Joe was dealing with Aljaž.

Joes POV

Aljaž was a total wreck. Thats putting it nicely. He was curled up on his bed, crying into his pillow while Neil, Kevin, Johannes and I attempted to comfort him. Giovanni had come over to see if he was alright, but since Janette had been mainly flirting with Giovanni, Aljaž screamed at him to go away. Thankfully Giovanni knew his place and knew he should come back once everything had settled down. I sighed, Aljaž having cried himself to sleep. We left his room, closing the door behind him and walked to the living room.
"What do we do?" Kevin asked, taking a seat.
"I mean Janette almost said she was going to cheat on him, but from what you said about the phone call Joe its clear she didnt mean it and misses him too. Its just working out how we sort this all out and make everything better." Johannes sighed.
"Thats what Im trying to think of." I said, sitting on the arm of the sofa. "How do we get a picture perfect couple back together?"
"I dont know Joe, I dont know."

Janettes POV

Dianne and Katya had been comforting me today. However their hugs didnt compare to Aljaž's bear hugs. Their kind words didnt compare to his poetic speech. I loved these girls but I loved Aljaž like he was the only man left in the world. It breaks my heart knowing that I slowly tore him apart day by day without realising. This caused me to have another random break out of sobs. Katya pulled me close, rubbing my side, trying her best to calm me down however nothing seemed to work. I just wanted to have Aljaž holding me, kissing me gently. I just wanted a chance to apologise but I knew I had blown it with the only man I could truly love.
"Hey hey, its okay." Katya soothed, playing with my hair as she tried to calm me down. I heard a knock at the door. Dianne got up and opened the door, Joe standing there. She hugged him for a brief moment before letting him in. He crouched down in front of me, waiting for me to look down at him.
"Janette, Im not here to make you feel bad." He said. "However we need to fix this okay? I think we need to talk to Giovanni first. You need to apologise, then we can talk to Aljaž tomorrow okay?"
"W-why tomorrow?" I sniffed.
"I have something planned." Joe smiled. "Trust me, were all gonna make things better, however we have to start with Giovanni." He stood up, helping me up. We walked to Giovannis dorm, Dianne and Katya following us. I knocked, Giovanni opening the door.
"Janette I dont think-"
"Im sorry." I said. "What I did was wrong and I ended up ruining the best thing I had."
"Its alright Janette, however you need to fix this with Aljaž sooner rather than later." Giovanni said with a slight smile. I nodded, Dianne putting a comforting arm round me.
"Come on, lets get you showered okay? Itll be getting late soon and we do have practice tomorrow." She said. I nodded, saying goodbye to Giovanni, heading back to my dorm.

Diannes POV

I made sure that Janette went to sleep okay before walking to my dorm. Joe had gone back to his apartment, having messaged me a goodnight. I replied, laying down and setting an alarm for tomorrow morning. I just hoped Joes plan worked. I smiled, remembering how we got Lauren and Josh together, and realised we were pulling the same trick on Janette and Aljaž.

Lets just hope it worked.


But will it work?

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