Chapter 35

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Warning: Some of you may die a little (youre welcome)

*The Next Day*

 Joe's POV

I woke up, taking my phone in my hand to see if I had any replies from Josh. I had deleted that part of the footage already, knowing he would have made me do it just in case it got out to the public. The press would've twisted that as much as they could if they had a chance to get their hands on the prank. I turned my phone, frowning at the message Josh had sent back. 

Josh: I cant forgive you or Caspar yet. When we got back home last night Lauren burst into tears. I swear if you do anything like that again it wont just be threats I make.
Joe: I understand., I do. It was a stupid idea and we shouldn't have done it.
Josh: You're right, you shouldn't have done it. I thought you both were my friends. Freinds wouldn't joke about things like that.
Joe: I know. I'm sorry. I really am. 

I didnt receive a reply after that. I guessed he told the boys what happened. I had walked into the kitchen, Byron shaking his head at me, leaving his bowl on the side before walking out. I sighed, making myself some toast, sitting at the island, eating slowly, thinking about what Caspar and I should do to make it up to Lauren and Josh. I took my phone out my pocket, messaging Caspar.

Joe: Dude, how do we make it up to them?
Caspar: I dont know. I dont know. Im thinking about it. I cant believe we were so stupid.
Joe: I know. We shouldve thought about it first.
Caspar: I know. What would make it uup to them?
Joe: Maybe we should just leave it for a while. Just show we are sorry?
Caspar: Thats probably best.

I sighed, walking back up to my room. I sighed, closing my eyes and falling back to sleep.

Laurens POV

I woke up, about to hug Josh but no one was there. I sat up, slowly getting out of bed, walking down the stairs and into the kitchen. I saw a note on the side, picking it up.

'Hey babe,

Ill be back at about 5pm, so be ready because Im taking you out on a date. Casual yet fancy.

Love you, Josh xx'

I smiled, leaving the note where it was, making myself a coffee, taking a sip as I sat down on the sofa. It was only 9am so I had time to get stuff done. By that I mean curl up on the sofa and watch films until I had to get ready. I smiled, pulling a blanket over myself, scrolling through netflix, deciding what to watch. I settled on watching To All The Boys Ive Loved before, slowly drifting back off to sleep.

I woke up at 3:15pm, getting off the sofa, folding up the blanket before heading upstairs, walking into the bathroom. I turned on the shower, taking off my pyjamas before getting in. I washed my hair and body before shaving. I got out, wrapping a towel round me, walking into our bedroom, looking in the wardrobe for a suitable outfit. I smiled, pulling out a long sleeved black top, a silver glittery skirt and some knee high black boots. I got changed, sitting down at my dressing table, drying my hair before letting it go wavey naturally. I smiled, applying a small amount of makeup, smiling as I stood up and checked the time. 4:55. I put on my boots and walked downstairs. I waited on the sofa until Josh walked in.
"Ready to go?" He smiled, taking my hand when I got over to him. I smiled and nodded, the two of us walking into town, Josh leading the way as I was unaware as to where we were heading.

Joshs POV

I smiled down at my girlfriend, kissing her forehead before we walked into a restaurant. She smiled, the waiter taking us to our seats, handing us two menus before walking away, letting us decide what we were planning on ordering. I smiled, the waiter coming over and taking our orders, then our menus before leaving again.
"So whats with the sudden date?" Lauren asked with a soft smile.
"Just decided to treat you." I said. I wasnt lying but that wasnt exactly the case. I smiled, holding her hand, rubbing circles on the back of it with my thumb. The both of us talked until our food came where we sat in a comfortable as we ate, listening to the soft music playing throughout the restaurant. Once we finished eating I called for the bill, refusing to let Lauren pay for any of it, claiming that it was my treat. I smiled, taking her hand as we walked through town, soon putting my arm round her waist, holding her close to me. Lauren smiled, pointing out things in the town that fascinated her or she hadnt seen before. It had gotten late, the sun setting as we walked to the edge of town. Lauren seemed quiet confused however walked with me as we walked acorss the paved path that lead us through the woods. She smiled, resting her head against me as we walked. I sighed, my heart beating faster as I got more nervous. Lauren seemed to notcie, looking up at me.
"You okay baby?"
"Im fine." I said, the two of us walking into a clearing. Lauren went to turn back but I held her shoulders gently. She looked up at me, confusion shown in her eyes.
"Lauren." I said softly, smiling down at her, watching her relax a little. "I remember when we first met back at school. I remember being insanely jealous of everything you could accomplish and how you worked so hard on everything. Over the 10 years we have been together, I have fallen for you more every single day you have been with me." I continued, watching a blush creep onto her cheeks. "So I just wanted to ask you this." I said, taking a small box out my pocket, getting down on one knees. "Will you marry me?"

Laurens POV

I gasped, tears rolling down my cheeks.
"Y-yes!" I gasped, Josh putting the ring on my finger before hugging me tightly, pulling me into a kiss, wiping away my tears after, the two of us smiling with happiness.


Youre welcome Ava, Demi, Holly, Kat and Chloe.

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