Chapter 31

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Warning: Flashback of abusive relationship. Harsh language.

(Thank you joannesroses for letting me borrow this idea xx)

*The Next Day*

Laurens POV

We were all sat at Joe and Byrons apartment. Scarlett hadnt come, thank god, but this meant we could talk about anything and everything, going back to our school days.
"Lauren, what were you like a primary school?" Dianne asked.
"Right. Short, two pigtails, knee high socks and a cute little school dress. I was a walking disaster." I laughed.
"That sounds adorable." AJ smiled.
"It was anything but." I smiled, leaning against Josh as I was sat on his lap.
"So, any relationships before Josh?" Conor asked. I froze. I had told Josh I never had a relationship before him. He needed to know the truth. I gulped, slowly nodding before beginning to explain what happened.

*Flashback, Year 9*

I sighed, walking home with my boyfriend Finn. He held onto my hand tightly, too tightly for my liking, however I just went with it. I knew not to argue with him as he sometimes shouted. We walked into my house, my mum and sister both out.
"Do you want a drink?" I asked, heading to the kitchen.
"Oh...Im not allowed any of th-"
"Who cares." He snapped, opening the fridge and taking out one of my mothers beers, opening it before drinking some. I settled with a glass of water, taking a seat at the kitchen table. I glanced around, staying quiet.
"You not going to talk to me then bitch?" Finn scoffed.
"S-sorry....I just didn't know what to say."
"You never fucking do." He yelled, laughing slightly as I flinched at his voice. "Pathetic. I thought you were meant to be a tough girl. Why I ever thought of asking you out I dont know. Youre stuck with me now though." He finished the beer before grabbing me by the collar of my school shirt, slapping my cheek before kicking me to the floor. He gave me some sharp kicks to the side before spitting on me.
"Im going home. Tell anyone about this and your dead you fucking bitch." He gave me one last kick before taking his bag. I winced, hearing the door slam shut.

Months later he moved away. However each day he would message me threats or insults. I couldnt take it anymore. I finally plucked up the courage, breaking up with him a day later. Luckily I moved before he could find me.

*Flashback Over*

I wiped my eyes, everyone going silent. I expected Josh to be angry. I lied to him for 10 years.

I got the opposite.

He held me close, rubbing gentle circles on my back, wiping away any tears that rolled down my freckled cheeks. 
"Youre alright now okay." He whispered. "Im not mad. I know why you lied." He said, making me smile slightly. I soon calmed myself down, Dianne handing me a hot chocolate. She mustve made them when I wasnt paying attention. I smiled, thanking her quietly. I looked round the room, AJ cuddling so close to Jack that Jack could barely breathe.
"AJ, Id like my brother to leave here alive. Even though he is incredibly annoying." Conor laughed. AJ loosened his grip, however kept his arms round Jack.

Diannes POV

I gave everyone else their hot chocolates before sitting down next to Joe. Laurens past relationship broke my heart. No one deserved that. I glanced up at Joe, smiling softly, giving him a sweet kiss.
"I love you." I smiled.
"I love you too Di."
"Err hello. People still here." Caspar coughed.
"Just because youre too pussy to ask out Nadiya." Josh smirked.
"Shut up!" He pouted. I laughed slightly.
"Just ask her out. Its so obvious that she likes you." AJ said. "Also you guys get to meet one of my old friends at the wedding. The girls have already met her, and Jack obviously." He smiled. "Put any of you upset her I will happily kill you." He said with innocence laced in his voice, picking up the remote, going through Netflix.
"I feel like receiving a threat from AJ is more scary than someone that looks scary."
"Yeah." I said, all of us laughing slightly. Jack smiled, kissing AJs cheek.
"What are we watching then babe?" He asked.
"Hmmm." AJ went through the Netflix lists. He clicked on 'The Boy In The Stripped Pyjamas'. I smiled, snuggling into Joe.

As the film neared to its end, we all heard a quiet sobbing coming from one part of the sofa. We all looked over, seeing Lauren in tears at the film. Josh had his arms round her, gently rubbing her arm. The film soon ended, Lauren sniffling.
"So you laugh at Saw, but cry at this?"
"Its sad!" She whined. "They d-didnt deserve to die!"
"I never thought youd cry at a film."
"Its the only one she cries at." Josh said, wiping away his girlfriends tears. "Every time we watch it she cries. Im surprised she didnt tell AJ to pick another film."
"I thought I could hold it together!" She complained, pouting a little.
"Don't pull that face." Josh laughed, tickling her sides slightly, making her laugh.
"Well, Im off." Conor said, Jack and AJ following after. The others all soon left one by one, Byron grabbing the Nintendo Switch remotes.
"Wanna play?"

Joshs POV

I walked into mine and Laurens apartment, an arm round her waist. She yawned, leaning her head on my chest as we walked up to our room. When we got there she laid down on the bed, giggling when I threw one of my shirts at her. We both got changed, laying down.
"Please don't be mad at me for lying..."
"Im not mad. I couldnt be. I understand that you didnt want to tell me back then. Im glad you told me now." I said, kissing her forehead. She smiled, cuddling into me, the both of us falling asleep.


Hope you guys enjoyed xx 

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