Chapter 22

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*One Month Later*

Diannes POV

Things had been getting a lot better. Joe and I still werent out publicly yet however his fans had been a lot nicer and I had appeared in these things called a vlog or a blog. I dont remember which one, Ill ask him later. Right now we were cuddled up on his sofa, hot chocolates in our hands while we watched Harry Potter. We seemed to have a thing where we watch movies every Friday night, and since I havent seen Harry Potter, Joe told me this was the next movie we had to watch, so I didnt argue. It wasnt too bad, and the accents were overwhelming. I smiled, putting my empty mug down, snuggling into him more.
"Youre in a cuddly mood arent you?"
"I always am." I smiled, looking up at him innocently. He smiled, kissing my forehead, making me blusb a little.
"Arent you just adorable?" He laughed, moving me only his lap, holding me close to his chest, playing with the ends of my hair.
"You're adorable." I hummed, my eyes going heavy. I smiled, sighing softly as I feel into a deep sleep curled up on his lap.

Joes POV

I lowered the volume on the TV so Dianne could sleep peacefully. I didnt want to move. She looked like an angel, even when shes asleep. I kissed her forehead, continuing to play with the ends of her hair, wrapping sections round my finger before letting it unravel. She moved a little, making herself more comfortable on my lap. I smiled, gently picking her up, carrying her up to my room. I laid her down, sitting next to her, allowing her to cuddle against me while she slept. I missed this. Every year I missed this more and more. Now I have her back and no one, and I mean no one, is going to take her away from me. Not again. I wont let them. I looked down at Dianne, smiling as her gorgeous brown eyes fluttered open.
"You still tired baby?" I asked softly. She nodded, snuggling her head into my side.
"Lay down with me." She muttered. I abandoned my slouch, properly laying down next to her, wrapping my arms around her waist. She rested her head on my chest, drawing small circles with her finger. She giggled.
"Whats funny?" I asked.
"Nothing. Im just happy." She said, looking up at me.
"Im happy too." I smiled. "Happier than Ive ever been since you left." I whispered.
"I missed you. Every day I cried." She sniffed.
"You dont need to cry anymore." I whispered. "Im here now. Youre with me." I held her closer. "Were together again."
"And I dont want it any other way." She said, taking my hands into hers. I smiled, letting her hold my hands. Dianne soon let go, resting her head back on my chest, closing her eyes. I closed my eyes, the both of us falling into a deep slumber.

Staceys POV

Kevin had finally built up the guts to ask me out on a date. I said yes, obviously. I was sat in my room at home putting my earrings in before putting on a necklace. I stood up, dusting off my dress. I made sure my heels were on properly before walking downstairs, sitting on the sofa. I waited. Waited until the sound of knock pierced through my house. I smiled, getting up and walking to my door. I opened it with one swift movement, seeing Kevin standing the other side looking at me in awe.
"You look amazing!" He smiled, making my blush a deep red.
"Thank you, you dont look too bad yourself." I smiled back, leaving my house, walking with him to his car. We got in, beginning the long drive to the restaurant he said he was taking me to. We joked the whole way there, making each other laugh until we couldnt breathe, our eyes glossy with tears of happiness. Kevin pulling up outside the restaurant. We got up, Kevin gently taking my hand as we walked inside. He spoke to one of the waiters and we were taken to our table. Kevin smiled, and being the gentleman he was, pulled out a chair. I smiled, thanking him as I sat down. He sat down opposite me, both of us looking at the menus. Our waiter came over, taking our drink orders before taking our meal orders as we had both decided. Kevin smiled over the table, placing his hand over mine. I smiled, starting a conversation. It didnt take long until we were both smiling brightly, laughing at the random jokes one of us cracked mid conversation. Our food and drinks soon came as we began to eat. The food was amazing, making the date even more perfect. I smiled, finishing my drink and not long after finishing my meal. Kevin smiled, both of us paying half for the dinner as I didnt want him spending too much money on me as the restaurant was incredibly expensive. He took my hand, walking me out of the restaurant. He opened the door to the passenger side of the car, waiting for me to get in before getting in the drivers side. He drove to a destination that I didnt realise we would be going to, putting me on edge however I was excited to say the least. We continued to drive, laughing and joking around however still being responsible. Kevin soon pulled up at a drive in cinema.
"Awe this is amazing!" I smiled, leaning over and kissing his cheek, watching him blush. We had a good space, being able to see the movie clearly from where we were. I smiled, leaning my head on his shoulder as the seats in his car werent far apart.
"Stacey..... Can I ask you something?"
"Go ahead." I smiled. Please be what I think it is. Please be was I think it is.
"W-would you... Would you want to be my girlfriend?"


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