Chapter 38

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Warning: Yall gonna be a little shook 

(Also I apologise for this chapter and the next not containing much Joanne, but this chapter is needed and the next chapter is the JJ wedding. I will try my best to include some JOanne fluff at the end of this one. Sorry xx)

*The Next Day*

Laurens POV

I sighed, glancing up at Josh before finishing my coffee. Today was the day. We were going back to my mothers house to tell her about the engagement. She only spoke to me on my birthday and Christmas. Shes already gotten the date of my birthday wrong so many times, only getting it right every few years. I sighed, putting my mug in the dishwasher before walking upstairs to shower. I spent as long as I could, trying to delay the car journey for as long as I could but before I knew it we were sat in the car.

"You're going to be okay Lauren." Josh said, kissing my cheek. "Ill be there with you, it'll all be okay." 

"Y-You're right." I sniffed. "I'm just scared she wont want to see me, or wont care." 

"I'm sure she will love seeing you again after all these years."

"Hopefully." I said, slouching in the car seat, Josh beginning to drive back to my old home. 

When soon arrived, slowly getting out the car. Josh took my hand, the two of us walking up to the front door. He pressed the doorbell, waiting for someone to answer. I looked up, seeing my sister standing there.

"Lauren..." She whispered, stepping outside, pulling me into a hug. My sister and I were never that close growing up, maybe because our mother broke us apart, however I was her shoulder to cry on for quite a few years. 

"Whos at the door?" I heard my mum yell from inside. Ellen smiled, letting us both inside, closing the door before walking through to the living room. Josh put his arm round me, noticing how nervous I had gotten. We stood in the doorway, my mother looking up at us. Her eyes widened, the female standing up, slowly walking over to us. I looked down, expecting her to yell, put instead I received a tight hug.

"Hey mum." I whispered, gently hugging back.

"Lauren, I missed you so much, how come you havent come home to see me before?"

"You were glad to see me leave at 18, I didnt think you would want me to come back." I sighed, slowly pulling away from the hug. 

"I know how I acted when you were younger wasnt acceptable Lauren, and I wish I could go back and change how I acted. I shouldve believed in you." She sniffed, hugging me again. "I didnt want to call you because I didnt think you would want to speak to me."

"I wouldve loved you to call me, also my birthday is the 18th of December not the 16th."

"Im sorry Lauren, I should remember that." She said, rubbing my shoulder before looking up at Josh, who has already put his arm back round me. "You guys stayed together?"

"Thats actually the reason we are here." I said, holding out my hand, showing her the ring placed on my finger. 

"Its beautiful." My mother smiled, hugging both of us. Ellen walked over, joining the little group hug we were having. "Im so proud of you Lauren.  Im so proud." 

"Me too sis, but the question has to be asked, we are invited right?"

"Of course you are." I said, looking up at Josh who was smiling down at me. He hadnt said anything, just glad I was finally getting along with my own family, not having to worry about being yelled at. 

"Good to know youre treating my daughter right." My mother said to Josh, making him smile.

"Course I am, wouldnt treat her any differently." He said, kissing my forehead. I smiled, leaning against him.

"Well Im glad youre the one thats marrying her." My mum smiled, giving me one last hug.

"Well, we should probably go." I said softly. "Arent you meeting up with Caspar later to film?"

"Yeah, you gonna come?" He asked and I nodded.

"Well you two have fun, just not too much fun." Ellen laughed slightly. I nodded, giving my family one last hug, saying goodbye before walking back out to the car.

"I told you it would be fine." Josh smiled, hugging my gently, kissing my forehead before we sat in the car, making our way to Caspars. 

Diannes POV

I smiled softly, hugging Joe when he got back. 

"Hey Di." He smiled, kissing me softly. "How you feeling?"

"Im good. Ive sat and watched movies all day with Jack and AJ."

"Are they still here?"

"Yeah they went into Byrons room and havent come back yet." I said. 

"PLease dont be doing what I think." He said, opening the door. 

"Oh." I whispered, seeing AJ cuddled up in Jacks arms fast asleep, Jack gently playing with his hair. He looked up, placing a finger over his mouth, signalling for us to be quiet. I looked up at Joe, the two of us nodding.

"He fell asleep and I cant wake him up." Jack whispered, AJ snuggling into him more.

"Hes probably tired from all the last minute wedding planning." I said quietly. "Its next week, he must be exhausted."

"Yeah. Hes been trying to teach me the basics of dance so that our wedding dance wont be a mess as he described it." Jack said, Joe holding back a laugh. I gently hit my boyfriend, rolling my eyes a little. AJ soon began to stir, waking up.

"What time is it?" He asked, looking up at Jack before looking at us.

"Its only 3pm AJ." Joe said, messing up his hair. AJ gasped, clinging onto Jack.

"Jacky he messed up my hair." He frowned, making me laugh slightly.

"Dont worry AJ, at least he isnt styling it for you." I said, making him and Jack laugh, Joe going bright red.

"Youre mean to me." Joe pouted, kissing my forehead. I laughed, laying down, dragging him with me.

"Aww, it looks like we are having a cute little sleepover." AJ giggled.

"Poor Byron. Weve stolen his room." Joe laughed, wrapping his arms round me.

"Im sure he wont mind if we have a short nap." Jack yawned, falling asleep, the rest of us fallung asleep not long after.


Chapter 1 of 2 complete. 

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