Chapter 49

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*Two Months Later*

Diannes POV

I smiled, turning off the camera, slowly placing it down on the table. Taking a deep breathe, I spun round, coming into contact with Joe.
"So, how was your first go a filming?" He asked, a soft, caring smile plastered on his face.
"Scary." I said, my voice a little shaky from the nerves. "What if I wasn't good enough?"
"Everyone will love it. Who couldnt?" He laughed, kissing my forehead, giving me the bit of reassurance I needed.
"Thanks Joe." I smiled, loosely wrapping my arms round his middle, feeling him perch his chin on top of my head.
"Were meeting at AJ and Jacks house later." He hummed.
AJ and Jack had recently bought a house, and rescued a puppy too. AJ insisted on naming it Fluffy, however Jack wanted something more 'manly as he described it. In the end, they ended up naming their Pomeranian Robert. I thought it was cute, but Joe immediately said it was dumb.
Lauren and Josh had also come along nicely with their wedding plans, and the two were going as strong as ever. Everyone else was going strong too, it felt like all was good and perfect in the world (thank god).

Joe snapped me out my thoughts, kissing my forehead.
"Go get ready sweetheart," he smiled down at me. I nodded, walking up to our room, getting changed out of my pyjamas and putting my hair into two french braids. I bounced back down the stairs once I was ready, Joe slipping his shoes on.
"I'm ready!" I smiled brightly, Joe nodding. He put his arm around me, the two of us leaving the house, heading towards the Maynard household.

Laurens POV

I smiled, skipping down the road, dragging Josh behind me.
"Slow down," he chuckled, making me laugh. We walked up to Jack and AJs front door, pressing the doorbell, AJ swinging the door open, holding a little Pomeranian puppy in his arm. I awed, taking the puppy.
"Hey baby." I giggled, holding the small dog close. We walked in, Jack walking over to say hello. I put Robert down, walking through to the kitchen, seeing that Janette and Aljaz were already sat at the table, picking at a few bowls of crisps.
"Hey guys." Josh smiled, taking a seat. I sat next to him, Josh holding my hand under the table.
"Hey." Janette smiled, leaning against Aljaz. "You guys been good?"
"Yeah." Josh smiled. "We've been good, planning the wedding and everything."
"And how's that coming along?" Conor asked, walking in, his arm round Chloe.
"Surprisingly well. A few arguments but that's all." I smirked, Josh playfully rolling his eyes.
"That doesnt surprise me." Chloe smiled, sitting next to me. "Lauren help me persuade Conor to get us a cat."
"No get a dog." I said, Conor cheering.
"Thank you." He said, Chloe sighing.
"Fine we can have a dog." She smiled, kissing Conors cheek.

*A Few Hours Later*

Joe's POV

We all sat in the living room, Dianne curled up on my lap, resting her head on my shoulder. We were watching IT chapter two, and Lauren seemed to be laughing at everything that happened. We all looked over at Chloe, the girl in tears and we were only 30 minutes in.  Conor smiled, rubbing her arm.
"It's only a film hunny."
"B-but he didn't deserve that!" She sniffed, AJ handing her a tissue, the girl wiping her eyes. I laughed, shaking my head before looking back at the film, holding Dianne close to me. She smiled contently, kissing my cheek before we all continued with the film.

By the end of the film everyone but myself and Jack had fallen asleep.
" awake?" He asked quietly
"Wanna go upstairs, let everyone sleep?"
"Sounds good." I whispered, moving Dianne so she was on the sofa. We walked upstairs, laying down on Jack's bed.
"So man, whats it like being married?"
"The best. You have no idea," Jack smiled. "I feel like I'm constantly on cloud nine."
"Adorable," He laughed, Jack nudging me.
" And Dianne?"
"We're amazing. She's the girl I've been waiting for. I waited 10 years for her why would she not be perfect?" I smiled, thinking about the moment we were reunited at one of Jack and AJs parties.
"I was surprised when she came back too. Man you were so happy." Jack laughed.
"I know. It was the best feeling," I blushed slightly. Jack yawned, pulling the duvet over himself.
"Night Joe."
"Night." I muttered, letting myself fall into a dreamless sleep.

Then I woke up.

A gunshot.



Thanks yall for being patient. I know this is a bit short and rushed but im trying to get back into writing asap for you all.

Love you guys Xx

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