Chapter 46

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Warning: Really sad news, couple cuteness

*The Next Day*

Conor's POV

I woke up, smiling down at the girl sleeping on the other side of my bed. Chloe and I had made it official yesterday. I reached for my phone, rolling my eyes at the amount of notifications from the boys.

Joe: Wow Conor finally got a girlfriend

Josh: Took him long enough

Jack: Yep. AJ already wants to go on double dates.

Caspar: Jack what did you expect? That boy in mental.

Jack: Say that again. I. DARE. YOU.

Conor: Break it up ladies. Yes Chloe and I are together and Jack why would I want to go on a date that youll be at.

Jack: Dont disappoint AJ.

Conor: No ill just disappoint you instead.

Jack: Thats mean.

Conor: I am mean.

I put my phone down when Chloe began to wake up.

"Morning sunshine." I smiled, letting her snuggle into my side. 

"Morning." She smiled, kissing my cheek. I rested my head on hers, turning the TV on.

"Ooo, put on Riverdale." Chloe giggled, clapping her hands. I was particularly keen on the show however I let her watch it. For the majority of the episode I zoned out, playing with the ends of Chloes hair, only realising when she had fallen back asleeo.

"Chlo." I said softly, gently shaking the girl until she woke up again.

"Sorry, I was still tired." She said sheepishly. 

"Its okay." I smiled. "You hungry?"


"Come on then." I laughed, pulling her out of bed. She jumped on my back, making me carry her downstairs. I sat her down on one of the kitchen stalls, getting out some bread, putting it in the toaster before getting out some nutella. I put the jar down near Chloe, which wasnt the best idea as when I went to put the toast on the table she had began to eat the spread out the jar. 

"It tastes nice." She pouting, slowing putting the lid back on. I laughed slightly, grabbing a cloth, wiping the chocolate spread from the corners of her mouth before sitting down, the two of us enjoying breakfast.

Joes POV

I laughed, hitting Dianne with one of the sofa cushions. She giggled, hitting me back, pushing my on the sofa before hitting me over and over with the fluffy cushion. I laughed, surrendering to the adorable red head. She smiled, kissing my forehead before letting me go, pulling me into a hug once I was off the sofa. I smiled, resting my head on top of hers, wrapping my arms round her back.

"Youre warm. You also smell nice." Dianne muttered. I picked her up, letting her rest her head on my shoulder. I took her upstairs.

"You wanna do anything today baby?" I asked, sitting on my bed, rubbing small circles on her back.

"Can we go to Zoes?" She asked softly.

"Ill call her and check to see if thats okay." I smiled, reaching for my phone, calling my sister.

Zoe: Hey Joe

Joe: Hey Zo, you think itll be alright if Dianne and I come over? She wants to see you and Alf.

Zoe: Yeah thats fine, Alfie is out at the minute getting some things but he should be back by the time you get here.

Joe: Sounds good, Ill see you later.

Zoe: Bye broseph

Joe: Bye.

I put my phone down, kissing Diannes forehead. 

"Come get your shoes on then." I smiled, Dianne running downstairs. I playfully rolled my eyes, following after her, seeing the girl tying her laces. 

"Hurry Joe!" She laughed, hitting my shoulder gently as I put my shoes on in hopes it would make me go faster.

"Okay, lets go." I said, taking her hand before we left. 

When we arrived at Zoe and Alfies, Dianne was practically out the car before I had parked. I followed after her, seeing the aussie girl hugging Zoe.

"Hey guys." Zoe smiled, letting us in. I gave my sister a hug, following her into the living room.

"Hey Alan." I smiled, crouching down to pet the small dog. Dianne was talking to Zoe, the two girls giggling at me while I played with Nala.

"Wheres Alfie?" Dianne asked.

"Oh hes still out, hes taken longer than I thought." Zoe said, resuming the conversation that they were having before. Alfie walked in around 10 minutes later.

"Zoe I brought presents."

"What useless shit did you buy today?" She laughed, opening one of the bags. "Alfie why have you got unpopable bubbles." She asked, Dianne giggling.

"Can we play with them?" She asked, Alfie throwing one of the bubble tubes at her, letting her blow some bubbles. We spent a majority of the say messing around until I got a call I never wanted.

Josh: Lauren miscarried 

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