Chapter 44

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Warning: Morning sickness, the press.

*A Week Later*

Joshs POV

I woke up to the sound of vomiting from the bathroom across the hall. Lauren had gotten morning sickness around week 4 of the pregnancy which wasnt common as you got it around week 6 normally. I got out of bed, walking into the bathroom, kneeling down next to the girl. I gently rubbed her back, comforting her as I knew how much she hated being sick.

"You're alright." I said softly. "You won't have to go through this for long."

"Good." She coughed, pulling herself up. I wrapped an arm round her waist as we walked into our room, laying back down. Lauren nuzzled her head into my chest, letting me hold her close.

"I can't wait for these 9 months to pass."

"Neither can I." I smiled, kissing her forehead. "I never thought 10 years ago that Id be having a baby."

"I never thought anyone would want a child with me." Lauren sighed.

"Im glad I do." I smiled. She smiled back, closing her eyes. Once she was asleep I managed to pry her off me, heading down to the kitchen. I cooked up some pancakes with bacon and syrup, putting the plates on a tray before carrying them upstairs. I placed the tray down, gently waking up Lauren.

"Breakfast baby." I smiled, sitting next to her, putting the tray on our laps, turning on the TV. I smiled, remembering when we moved in.

*Flashback, 5 years ago*

I smiled, bringing the last box into the apartment. Lauren still hadnt seen the apartment as I had secretly got it for her as her birthday present. I took her hand, showing her around. Each room we went into she seemed to get more excited about living here. I chose this place because it was animal friendly, a large yet affordable apartment and would be a good place to live. 

"You ready to see our room?" I asked, leading her across the hall, opening the door to the bedroom. Lauren walked in, gasping. 

"I-Its amazing!" She span round, hugging me tightly before properly looking round. What stuck out most to her was the TV we now had in our room. She always said how she wanted a TV in our room if we ever lived together and now we had just that. I smiled, wrapping my arms round her waist. 

"Im glad you like it."

"I love it." She smiled, turning round, hugging me tightly. I smiled, resting my head on hers, holding her close. We stayed like that for a while, just taking everything in.

*Flashback ends*

I smiled, finishing my breakfast, seeing that Lauren had already finished. She rested her head on my shoulder, watching The Lion King which she had decided to put on. I took the tray downstairs, making the two of us coffees, carrying them back to our room. However when I got there I saw Lauren crying. 

"Whats wrong?" I asked, putting the mugs down, carrying lifting the girl into my lap. She sniffed, wiping her eyes before showing me her phone.

'Youtube star Joshua Pieters and fiance Lauren Steadman are expecting after telling friends about pregnancy.'

"H-how did the press find out?" She cried into my shoulder. We had only told our friends, and family too about the pregnancy. We hadnt gone public about our pregnancy. I sighed, rubbing her back.

"I dont know how everyone found out baby. I dont know." I sighed, kissing her forehead. "I guess we should confirm the rumours before everything gets out of hand." I added. Lauren nodded, the two of us getting changed ready to film a video. I sighed, setting everything up. I turned the camera on, the two of us sitting down. "Where do we start?"

We finished filming the video, both of us deciding to just upload the raw footage as it showed our full emotions and thoughts about the pregnancy and how the press got a hold of the information. While I was uploading the video Lauren was messaging all our friends, however no one had leaked it. I guess the press say us buying the pregnancy test and somehow found out we told people yesterday. Either way everyone would know the story now. Once the video uploaded I turned my computer off, walking back to Lauren who had fallen asleep. I smiled, tucking her into bed, kissing her forehead. I walked downstairs, getting a call from Joe.


"Hey, you two okay? I saw the press articles."

"Yeah, we just filmed a video on it. It got to Lauren a lot, she wasnt ready for everyone to find out yet however since the press seemed to know it was best for us to just say it."

"I understand that. Its such a shame such a special thing was ruined for the two of you."

"It is, it really is." I sighed. "Thanks for calling , but I should go see if Laurens okay."

"Okay, Diannes begging me to take her to McDonalds."

"Bring some over." I joked, the two of us saying goodbye before hanging up. I headed back upstairs, hearing Lauren sniffling into her pillow. I sat on the edge of the bed, gently rubbing her shoulder. "Whats wrong baby?"

"I woke up and you werent here." She whined. I chuckled, laying on my side of the bed, letting her snuggle into me.

"Youve become more cuddly since youve gotten pregnant."

"One, we wanted a child. Two, Im cuddling for the baby as well." She giggled, leaning against me, the both of us falling asleep. 

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