Chapter 18

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Warning: A break up (It hurts me to write this)

*The Next Day, After Dancing*

Aljaž's POV

I slammed the door open after Janette tried shutting it on me.
"Enough is enough Janette!" I snapped, finally getting her attention. "You say you love me then you waltz around with other men flirting like I mean nothing!"
"Its a bit of fun-"
"But you've taken it too far now!" I said. "Choosing to dance with them instead of me! Kissing them on the cheeks after a chat leaving them blushing! How do you think that makes me feel? Do you see me going to Amy or Nadiya letting them kiss my cheeks after a chat! No! I dont! Because I love you Janette!"
"Well then let me have my fun!" She yelled at me, her arms crossed. Lucky the others were all out so they didnt hear us screaming.
"Janette its not fun for me to stand there and watch you flirt like youre drunk in a club!"
"What if I want to! You cant stop me!" She snapped. "You cant stop me if I kiss Giovanni or Kevin!"
"Janette that would be cheating!"
"It wouldnt mean anything! You know I love you!"
"It doesnt seem like it!" I scoffed. "You seem ready to go move on to someone else!"
"Maybe I am! Youre controlling Aljaž! Youre not letting me have male frie-"
"Yet?" I asked. "Were you just about to tell me you havent cheated on me yet?" I said, my eyes going glossy.
"Aljaž I-"
"Forget it Janette. Were over okay? Go have fun with all the better guys." I snapped out of pure anger yet sadness, wiping my eyes as I stormed out her dorm, slamming the door shut behind me.

Janettes POV


Did I just cause that to happen?

Did I just lose the man I loved the most because I was too stupid to realise that I had been getting too close with the other guys. I could see that now but I was too late. I cant believe I told him I wouldve cheated. I would never think of doing such a thing. I loved Aljaž and I just let him walk away. I knew I couldnt go after him. Not now at least. I would end up breaking his heart even more than I already had. I collapsed onto the floor of the dorm living room, tears rolling down my cheeks. My throat tightened, causing me to choke on my sobs. I didnt bother wiping away my tears knowing it would be useless. I slowly pulled myself off the floor, dragging myself to my room, falling onto my bed, gripping the duvet as I cried into my pillow, my breathing uneven. I couldnt bare to think of how Aljaž was holding up right now. I had shattered his heart without even realising. I didnt notice how he changed after I spoke to someone. I didnt realise that I had broken him down more and more every day. I sniffed, crying myself into darkness.

Diannes POV

After training Joe had picked me up, taking me to a cafe for lunch. We didnt spend long there due to press possibly catching us or one of Joes fans seeing so we soon headed back to Joes apartment. Luckily we were in the clear. Right now we were sat either side of his coffee table playing Monopoly. I smiled, giggling as Joe landed on one of my properties with a hotel.
"£150." I smiled innocently. He playfully rolled his eyes, handing over the money. I put it in my pile before taking my go, however Joe laughed as I ended up in jail.
"Jokes on you." I hum, putting down a 'get out of jail free' card. He gasped as I pushed the little silver dog out of jail. Joe huffed, rolling the dice, going past go and collecting £200 from the bank. The game went on for a while until I went bankrupt.
"No fair!" I pouted, crossing my arms. Joe smiled, walking round the table, crouching down next to me.
"Ill take you to McDonalds if you stop pouting." He smiled. I smiled, kissing his cheek before jumping up, causing him to topple backwards. I laughed, pulling him up before hugging him gently.
"Lets go!" I giggled, letting go and running to the front door to put on my shoes. "I win!" I giggled, putting my shoes on first.
"Yes you did." He smiled, kissing my forehead. We walked out the apartment and down to the car park, getting in Joes car and heading to McDonalds.

When we get there we decided to go through the drivethru as it would be quicker than going inside. We ordered a box of 20 chicken nuggets, two large fries and two Cadbury Mcflurries. I got to hold it on the way home, meaning I could steal some of Joes fries. I knew he wouldnt mind though since I used to do it all the time when we were teens. I smiled, one of my favourite songs coming on the radio. I turned the radio up, badly singing along, Joe laughing at my 'amazing' singing. When we got back to the apartment I ran in with the food, gigging as I put it on the coffee table. Joe sat down next to me, putting an arm round me. He put on IT, grabbing the chicken nugget that I was holding and eating it.
"Joe!" I gasped, gently nudging him. He laughed, handing me another chicken nugget. I smiled, focusing on the film as I ate the majority of the McDonalds we brought. Joe smiled, kissing my forehead.
"Were you hungry?"
"A little." I giggle, leaning against him. We continued watching the film until my phone started ringing.

Dianne: Hey Janette, whats up?
Janette: Aljaž broke up with me.


This hurt me to write.

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