Chapter 4

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Warning: Flashback of abuse! (Will be in bold!) And *shudders* the press *shudders*

*The Next Day*

Diannes POV

I walked back to the dorm with Katya and Janette, our dance lesson having just finished.
"So Di, I heard youre going on a little date with Joe." Katya teased as we walked into our dorm.
"I wouldnt say date." I blushed. "More of a catch up."
"Shes blushing!" Janette giggled. "She still likes him!"
"W-what? Thats ridiculous!" I blushed deeper. "H-he may have changed in ten years."
"Honey the stuttering says it all." Katya smirked. "Go shower, were gonna help you get ready." She said, pushing me towards the bathroom. I walked in, locked the door before stipping down. I got in the shower, taking my time, washing my hair then my body before getting back out. I towel dried my hair before wrapping my body in a towel. Katya called my into my dorm, Janette sitting me down on my bed.
"So wheres he taking you?"
"A cafe. He said hed message me which one when I was ready."
"Okay." Katya hummed, flicking through my wardrobe. She took out some ripped jeans and a cute top along with some trainers. "Put this on. Call us back in after." Janette said, the two girls leaving. I nodded, drying myself off before getting dressed.
"Im done!" I called, the two of them running in, sitting me down at the small dressing table. Janette brushed my hair while Katya went through my makeup back. My hair was dried before they put it up into a high ponytail. Katya started with my makeup. Doing foundation, concealer then bronzer and blush before doing my eyes and eyebrows. Id never really gone this full out on makeup before however Katya was naturally good at it. I smiled, looking in the mirror.
"You guys are amazing." I said, both of them hugging me.
"We know." Janette smiled, handing me my phone. "Now find out where youre going."

Dianne: Hey Joe, where is it youre wanting to go?
Joe: Cafe Aida. Ill meet you there.
Dianne: Im on my way xx

"Aww Janette she put kisses."
"Shush guys!" I smiled, getting up. "Ill tell you everything when I get back."
"You better." Katya smiled. I walked out the dorm, walking down the stairs and out the academy. I slipped my phone into my pocket, walking down the road and into the town. I smiled, seeing Joe standing outside the cafe.
"Hey!" I said as I got close enough. He looked up from his phone and smiled.
"Hey Di." He replied, holding the door open for me. I thanked him, walking in. We sat at the back of the cafe where barely anyone was so we could catch up. Joe clearly knew things may not have all been smooth sailing when I got back to Australia. We ordered our drinks, waiting for them to come before we started catching up.
"So Joe, what have you been doing?"
"Well after collage I became an apprentice roof thatcher."
"Whats that?" I laughed a little.
"To put it simply I put straw on a roof."
"Sounds fun." I said.
"I found that Zoe had started a blog then youtube, so once she did a video with me people wanted me to make a channel." He shrugged. "Nothing too exciting."
"It seems fun. Is youtube easy?"
"Its harder than people think however its really fun." He smiled. "You can get some hate but the positive overcomes the negative."
"But how could anyone hate you?"
"Some people do." He said.
"Well I dont hate you."
"Thats good." He smiled, taking a sip of his coffee. "So, what happened back in Australia?"
"It wasnt good." I sighed, beginning to tell him.


I walked into the house, being faced by my dad.
"You know why youre here dont you?" He spat. I nodded, looking down at my feet. He grabbed my chin, forcing me to look up at him.
"Y-yes sir..." I whispered, my eyes glossing over with tears.
"Dont cry you pathetic girl!" He snapped, slapping me across the cheek. "I want you straight to your room and unpack. Ill check later and get rid of everything you cant have. Beginning with you phone." He put his hand out. I took it out my phone, handing it to him. I gasped, watching him throw it to the floor before standing on it.
"Youre not having contact with any of your friends." He pushed me in the direction of my room. I stumbled, balancing myself before walking to my room. I unpacked everything, putting my suitcases under my bed before sitting on it. My father walked in, checking my wardrobe and draws, grabbing my most nice and expensive looking clothes. He took them out to the garden, dragging me with him. He started a fire, throwing my belongings into it. What caught my eye was the hoodies Joe had let me keep. Tears ran down my cheeks, however I was quick to wipe them away so he didnt hurt me when he saw me crying.
"Now back to your room. I dont want to see your face again today!" He spat.


I finished explaining, Joe having tears in his eyes.
"I-I cant believe he'd do that to you..."
"H-he did it until I left. He w-wouldnt let me move out until I got i-invited to the academy. He w-was glad to get rid of me." I sniffed, holding back my tears so that my mascara wouldnt run down my cheeks. He stood up, walking to my side of the table and pulling me up before hugging me.
"Im so sorry Di." He whispered. "I wish I was there to protect you."
"Youre here to protect me now." I whispered back.
"I am." He smiled down at me. We both leant in before the waiter came over with the bill. Joe sighed, taking his wallet out and paying, not allowing me to. "Were going back to mine. The others are there. Were gonna play our favourite game." He smiled.
"Never Have I Ever!" I giggled, walking out the coffee shop with him.

Half way to Joes house we heard cameras clicking behind us, people asking if they could ask Joe a few questions.
"Just keep walking." He whispered to me, the both of us walking faster until they stopped following us.
"What was that?" I asked as we walked into the apartment block.
"The press." He said, getting in the lift. We went up to his floor before he walked into his apartment. I smiled, seeing some art on the wall.
"Did you do this?" I asked amazed.
"Yeah." He said, walking into the living room. I followed him, seeing everyone watching a flim on the sofa.
"Hey guys. Were back." Joe smiled. We all sat down around the coffee table, the shot glasses being passed around, filled with vodka (except AJs).
"Who starts?"
"I will." Mikey said. "Never have i ever cheated on someone?"

No one took a shot.

"Thats a relief." I smiled. "Never Have I Ever thrown up in a friends car." I said, watching Caspar take a shot.
"Ha cant relate." AJ giggled. "Never have I ever gotten someone pregnant."

No one took a shot.

"Aww I thought we couldve had a Losh baby." AJ huffed.
"Not yet." Lauren laughed slightly. "Hopefully this ones changed a little. Never have I evet lost my virginity."

Everyone took a shot.

Except me.

"Wait really?" Joe gasped.
"I havent." I shrugged. "I want the first time to mean something you know."
"I get that." AJ said. I nodded.
"Never Have I Ever competed in a dance competition?" Lauren asked, AJ and I taking shots.
"Did you win?" She asked.
"Do you have a medal."
"Bitch we have trophies." AJ smirked.
"But are they gold!" She laughed.
"Oh yes." I laughed.
"Its alright youre mean more." Josh said to Lauren, hugging her gently.
"Awww thats cute." I smiled.
"I know were adorable." Lauren smiled, Josh kissing her forehead.

We continued to play until it got late. Everyone began to go home, AJ going back to Jacks. Joe and I sat on his sofa. He didnt even ask my what movie, putting on The Little Mermaid. I smiled, hugging one of the pillows.
"Do you want to stay over? Its late and I dont want you going back this late." He said. I smiled and nodded.
"Yeah, Ill take the sofa."
"Di you realise we have shared a bed before right?"
"Oh yeah." I blushed. We continued to watch the film until it ended before we walked up to his room. He opened his wardrobe, throwing a hoodie at me and some clean boxers. I walked to his bathroom to change, walking back in and getting in the bed.
"Goodnight Di."
"Night Joe." I muttered. Before I fell asleep I felt him wrap his arms around me. It felt...



Its cute. Youre welcome

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