Chapter 32

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*The Next Day*

Diannes POV

I walked to the dorm kitchen, Janette and Katya talking about the date Janette had gone on the night before. I sat down, looking across the small table at Janette.
"So, how was it?"
"It was amazing!" She sighed happily. "Hes so perfect."
"Janette you say that after every date."
"But he is." She smiled.
"Someones just a little deep in love." I laughed, Janette blushing.
"Says you!"
"I did say it. Well done."  I said, Janette huffing.
"However we can all agree that AJ is most likely the deepest in love." Katya said.
"Well he is the one getting married."
"Im not surprised. Wheneven Jack goes to his dorm he always brings AJ either cupcakes, marshmallows or flowers. It's quite cute."
"And how do you know this?" Janette asked.
"Im dating his roommate." She said.
"Knew that." Janette laughed, getting up and cleaning any mugs or bowls we left. I got up, walking back to my dorm, changing into some leggings and a vest top. I threw my hair up into a high ponytail, taking my phone off charge. I smiled, seeing a couple messages from Joe.

Joe❤: Hey babe, you coming over today?
Joe❤: Im inviting everyone round.
Joe❤: We need to try make Scarlett and Lauren be more like friends before AJ and Jacks wedding.
Dianne: Yeah Ill come over with AJ. Need us to bring any food?
Joe❤: Bring some Pringles?
Dianne: Sure, Ill see you later babe.

I put my phone down, Janette taking her dorm keys so Katya and I didnt need to take ours. We walked down to the studio, meeting up with the boys on the way. Even though everything was fine between Janette, Aljaž and Giovanni, Aljaž kept a tight arm around his girlfriend. I sighed, talking to Kevin.
"So hows Stacey?" I smirked.
"Good. Shes good. Were good. Im taking her out later." He smiled.
"Where you taking her?"
"Well she was telling me about how she wanted to go on a nightime roadtrip. So through the night, till a reasonable time of course, were going driving through this cute little town thats surrounded by fields. Things will go from there I guess." He said.
"Sounds cute." I smiled, following the others into the studio. We all paired up, AJ standing by my side.
"Right guys." Our teacher started. "Today we will be practising the Jive." She said, continuing to explain a few things we have to pay most attention two before playing music. AJ and I started to create a little routine, focusing on the parts our teacher said, working on any corrections she gave us. AJ laughed, nudging me slightly. I lost my balance, almost falling but luckily he caught me.
"Is that how fast you fell for Joe?"
"Nope. However Im guessing thats how hard you fell for Jack?" I smiled, AJ blushing. "Well-I um...well..."
"That's what I thought." I laughed, the two of us continuing to practice.

*A Few Hours Later*

Joes POV

Everyone expect AJ and Dianne were at mine and Byrons. We were sat playing mario kart, Scarlett playing against Josh. Lauren looked ready to push her off the sofa if it meant that Josh won, however that wasnt needed as Josh had one anyway. Lauren smiled, kissing his cheek, Josh wrapping his arms round her once he had given the controller to Jack.
"Wheres AJ and Dianne?" Scarlett asked. Before Lauren made a comment, Jack stepped in.
"Theyre at their dance academy. They should be here soon."
"What style dance?"
"Ballroom and Latin."
"Thats cool. Im guessing your wedding dance would be good." She said to Jack.
"Jack cant dance." Conor said, making us all laugh. I looked up, the door opening.
"We bring food!" Dianne said, taking out a tube of Pringles, passing them to me before sitting down, putting a bag of Doritos, Mashmallows, Chocolate buttons and two bottles of Wine on the coffee table.
"Enjoy." She hummed, watching as Jack and Conor played mario kart, Jack losing dramatically as he was too distracted by AJ to play properly. He didn't seem to care that he lost, smiling when he handed the controller to Caspar. Conor passed his to me, Dianne resting her head on my lap before our race started. I smiled, beating Caspar easily.
"Gotta play better mate." I smiled, throwing a Pringle at him. He picked it up, shrugging before eating it. I smiled, Lauren having already started on the wine. She was a lightweight. We all could tell as she became very loopy very quickly. Josh huffed, Lauren laying over his lap, continuously poking his cheek.
"I think youve had enough."
"Nooooo." She pouted, smiling when Josh kissed her forehead.
"You can have some later if youre nice to Scarlett." He said. Lauren looked over at Scarlett.
"You have nice hair." She said before looking at Josh. "Can I have some more?"
"Later babe." He said. I laughed, Dianne cuddling up next to me.
"You okay?" I asked. She nodded, resting her head on my shoulder.
"Im just tired." She said softly.
"Okay, you can spend the night here if you want." I said. Dianne nodded, the two of us watching everyone slowly get through the wine.

By the end of the night everyone except Dianne, AJ and I were drunk. AJ refused to kiss Jack, claiming he didnt want to get alcohol posioning. Scarlett and Lauren were talking, surprisingly getting along. They had some things in common, meaning they could talk more when they were drunk. Hopefully theyd be friends soon. I sighed, looking down at Dianne.
"Guys you can all stay here. Caspar you share a bed with Byron. Josh and Lauren you take the sofa bed. The rest of you can spread yourseld out on the sofa." I said, finding extra pillows and blankets, helping everyone set up decent beds on the sofa before helping AJ get Byron, Caspar, Lauren and Josh into bed. He held his breath most of the time.
"Got anything I can spray Jack with?" He asked.
"Theres aftershave in my bathroom. Use that." I said, putting an arm round Dianne before we headed up to my room. I smiled, the two of us getting changed before curling up together.
"Night Joe."
"Night babe."


Wanna see the Stevin date next chapter??

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