Chapter 29

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Warning: Nightmares (includes bullying)

*The Next Night*

Laurens POV


I was walking back to mine and Josh's apartment, feeling like someone was watching or following me. I sped up a little before getting dragged into an alley. I looked up to see Scarlett.
"You shouldnt have trusted me. I have all your friends and that boy of yours wrapped round my finger now. They wouldnt believe you if you told them I was the one that hurt you." She sneered, kicking me to the ground, digging her heel into my chest. I tried to get away however she wouldnt let me go. I couldnt get away. I was trapped. I tried screaming for help but no one came to help me.

I guess no one cares.

*Nightmare Ended*

I was woken up by Josh shaking me gently. I looked up at him, tears pooling in my eyes.
"You were screaming." He whispered, wiping my tears away. "What happened?"
"I-I had a nightmare."
"What happened in your nightmare?" He asked softly, sitting me up and pulling me into a loose hug.
"S-Scarlett....s-she hurt me....." I sniffed. Josh wouldve known how much that wouldve upset me as it would have brought me back to school.
"Shes changed now baby, and if she ever tried to hurt you, well it wouldn't end well." I nodded, hiding my face in his shoulder.
"Youll be okay baby. Youll be fine." He cooed, rubbing gentle circles on my back. I nodded, curling up on his lap.
"You still tired?" He asked. I nodded, looking up at him. "Go back to sleep then, Ill still be here if you need me."
"T-thank you." I sniffed, laying back down, letting myself drift off to sleep.

Joshs POV

I played with the ends of Laurens hair while she slept, helping to keep her calm. My phone began to buzz. I picked up, rolling my eyes.

Josh: Caspar what do you want?
Josh: One, stop shouting Laurens asleep. Two, why would she go on a date with you?
Caspar: Whos knows. Where do I take her?
Josh: Well what does she like.
Caspar: History. And food. She said she liked food.
Josh: Well where can you go to learn things about history?
Caspar: School?
Josh: I have no hope for you.
Caspar: Where else?
Josh: A museum you dick.
Caspar: That makes more sense. And restaurant?
Josh: Pizza restaurant. Not some place like pizzahut. Somewhere nicer. Fancier.
Caspar: Got it. Thanks Josh.
Josh: I would say good luck but that wouldnt help at all. Bye.
Caspar: Bye ginger.

I put my phone down, feeling Lauren hug me from the side.
"Why didnt Caspar ask AJ where to take her? Hes known her the longest."
"That would make sense." I laughed, kissing her cheek. "Last one to the kitchen is making breakfast." I said, getting out of bed. Lauren beat me to the kitchen, laughing as she sat down on one of the stools.
"Still the better athlete I see." She giggled.
"Shush you." I laughed, kissing her forehead before making breakfast.

Diannes POV

I was stood in the kitchen of the JJ apartment, talking to AJ about the wedding.
"So, hows planning?" I asked.
"Its going well." He giggled. "Also, how would you feel being the maid of honour for the wedding?"
"Id love to be." I smiled, hugging AJ.
"Good." He smiled back. We let go, carrying the coffees we had made into the living room. Joe smiled, taking his from me before I sat down. AJ had perched himself on Jacks lap, cuddling up against him.
"I still cant imagine Jack getting married." Joe said.
"Well its happening." Jack said, putting his coffee down, kissing AJs cheek.
"Yeah I never wouldve thought it either." I laughed.
"We love some support." Jack said sarcastically.
"I know!" Joe laughed. AJ smiled, cuddling up more to Jack.
"Where did you put the marshmallows?" He asked softly.
"Baby youve had tok many marshmallows over the past couple days."
"But you cant have too many." He pouted.
"Cupboard above the mircowave." Jack sighed. AJ giggled and ran to the kitchen, coming back with a half empty pack of marshmallows. He smiled, sitting back down, eating them quickly.
"AJ really is your weak spot isnt he?" Joe teased.
"Maybe. Diannes yours. All those nights of crying we had to deal with."
"It was an emotional time in my life." Joe frowned. I giggled, kissing him softly.
"You dont need to cry anymore." I said, resting my head on his shoulder.
"Thank god. He is a ugly crier!" Jack laughed. AJ giggled.
"I have to agree. Sorry Joe."
"Youre not sorry are you?"
"Nope. Marshmallow?" AJ asked, taking one out the bag and offering it to Joe.
"Yeah sure." Joe reached for it, AJ pulling it back and eating it himself.
"Theres a shop down the road. They sell some. These are mine." He said with his cheeks puffed out like a hamster. I laughed, Jack squishing the air out his cheeks.
"Be nice and give him a marshmallow." Jack said softly, kissing AJs cheek. AJ huffed, taking one out the back and giving it to Joe.
"Thank you." Joe said in a fake posh accent, making all of us laugh.
"What was that?" I asked rhetorically. Joe shrugged, pulling me closer to him, kissing me gently. I kissed back, Joe soon pulling away.
"Please dont fuck on our sofa." Jack said, making me go bright red.
"Wait." AJ put the marshmallows down. "Did you?"
I nodded a little, Joe smiling down at me.
"Wow Joe finally got some." Jack laughed. I smiled, Joe blushing a little.
"We were all waiting for it to happen." AJ said.
"Yeah....people made bets. Conor owes me £20." Jack laughed.
"You all are questionable."
"Lauren said the same thing." AJ said. "Must be a girl thing."
"Must be." Jack laughed, messaging Conor about the money.


I know this chapter is a bit odd but the next few will be normal. Plus the JJ wedding is soon.

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