Chapter 45

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Warning: Cute couple squad date. Sickness. Homophobia. 

*One Week Later*

Joes POV

I smiled, waking up to see Dianne fast asleep, curled up in my arms. I checked my phone, checking the groupchat. The couples had created a groupchat so we can keep each other updated and when we can arrange group dates. Call it sad, we call it organised. I sat up, trying to pry Dianne out my arms however it woke her up.

"Morning sunshine." I smiled, kissing her forehead.

"Morning." She groaned, rolling out of bed. I laughed, getting up and stretching. We were going out for breakfast with everyone else to a restaurant AJ wanted to go to, and since Jack does anything AJ says, thats where we are going. I got changed while Dianne was showering, brushing my hair when she walked in, completely dressed however her hair was wet. She took her hair dryer out the draw, handing it to me.

"Dry it for me?" She asked softly, giving me cute puppy dog eyes.

"Fine." I huffed, plugging it in, drying her hair while she scrolled though her Instagram. I smiled when she laugh, glad that she was still happy. I turned the hair dryer off, running a hairbrush though her bright red hair, allowing it to go a little fluffy. Dianne put the hair dryer away, applying little make up while I went to go brush my teeth.

I walked back in, Dianne standing up, walking over to me.

"Ready?" She asked, taking my hand. I nodded, grabbing my phone and keys, the two of us leaving the house. We made jokes while walking to the cafe, having to take a few pictures for some fans, however I didnt mind. I loved them all so much. I took Diannes hand again, seeing the others waiting outside the cafe. I smirked, running up being Josh, jumping on his back.

"Fucking hell!" He yelled, laughing when we realised it was only me.

"No swearing in front of baby Pieters." Lauren joked, Josh smiling, putting his arms round her waist.

"Come on them." AJ giggled, taking Jacks hand, walking in to the cafe. We found a two tables, pushing them together so we could all sit together, passing round the menus so we could all choose what to order. When the waiter came over, I noticed Lauren tense up a little, Josh ordering for her so she didnt need to speak.

"You okay Lauren?" Dianne asked, resting her head on my shoulder.

"The last time we came in here that waiter gave Lauren his number and wanted to get with her but I told him he was 10 years late." Josh said, rubbing Laurens shoulder. I sighed. 

"Dont worry, youve got a lot of us here looking out for you." Janette smiled, Aljaz nodding. I laughed, seeing Stacey and Kevin walk in.

"Wow you two are late." Nadiya joked.

"We didnt wake up to the alarm." Kevin laughed, pulling up two chairs for them to sit down. "However we did see Conor and Chloe walking around together."

"We need to go see what theyre doing!" Katya laughed.

"Yes!" AJ squealed, high fiving the girl. I laughed, out food being brought over. The waiter winked at Lauren before looking at AJ and Jack. He noticed Jacks arm round AJ, seeing their wedding rings.

"Disgusting." He spat, walking away. Jack sighed, pulling AJ a little closer, comforting him, whispering something to him that made the boy smile. We all started to eat, Kevin and Staceys food coming a few minutes later. We all joked through breakfast, everyone waking up more after theyd eaten. I called for the bill when the waiter came back to take our plates and empty mugs. Again, he glared at Jack and AJ, and it was clear that Jack was about to snap, tightening his grip around AJ. Dianne shook her head.

"People like that disgust me." She muttered. We all put some money in for the breakfast, getting up and leaving. 

"Can we go see if we can find Chloe and Conor?" Nadiya asked, mainly asking Caspar.

"Sure." He smiled, kissing her forehead.  We made our way towards the cinema, as that is where Stacey had said they were heading towards. I smirked, seeing them leaving the cinema together, Dianne gasping.

"Theyre holding hands!" She giggled, all of us slowly following after them. We arent weird, we just wanted to see what they were doing as none of us knew about this. They headed into the nearby arcade, so we decided to leave them to it, heading back to Lauren and Joshs so the girl could relax a lot more knowing she was in her own home. I smiled, Dianne jumping onto my back, making me carry her to the Losh apartment. 

When we got there, Lauren and Josh disappeared for around 10 minutes, however when they came back Lauren had changed outfit, and had also fallen asleep in Joshs arms.

"Morning sickness." He muttered, sitting down on the sofa, putting a blanket over the girl. Dianne smiled, taking a picture of them, putting it on her story, putting cute music over it. I smiled, putting my arm round Diannes shoulders, letting her lean against me. 

"GUYS!" AJ yelled, waking Lauren up. "CONOR AND CHLOE ARE TOGETHER."

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