Chapter 21

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*The Next Morning*

Joes POV

I was sat next to the toilet, holding Diannes hair, rubbing her back as she threw up. This girl didnt stomach her alcohol very well and got bad hangovers. I sighed, hearing her gag before throwing up again. She soon stopped, wiping her mouth with some tissue before flushing the toilet. I helped her up, walking back to my bed and laying her down.
"Ill get you some water and aspirin okay baby?" I smiled, kissing her cheek.
"Thanms Joey." She whispered, closing her eyes. I walked downstairs, hearing someone rummaging through my kitchen cupboards. I walked in, seeing AJ looking through them.
"You alright?" I asked, making him jump.
"Yeah. You got an aspirin?" He asked. I nodded, finding it and handing some to him.
"Jack feeling like shit?" I asked.
"Yeah." AJ sighed. "Also some of the others crashed here." He said, pointing to the sofa before walking back to Byrons room. His bed had another bed you could pull out from the side of it so he let the two sleep there. I walked over to the sofa, seeing Lauren and Josh curled along one part of it, Janette and Aljaž cuddled up and so were Neil and Katya. Caspar and Conor were laying on the floor. Everyone else mustve been been sober enough to go home. Wait....Stacey and Kevin were too drunk to realise where they were. I shook my head, getting some water and aspirin and carrying it upstairs. Dianne had fallen back asleep, curled up on my side of the bed. I chuckled, putting the stuff down, picking up my phone and laying down. I messaged Kevin, getting a text back not long after.

Joe: Hey, did you and stacey go home? You two were both wasted.
Kevvy: Yeah we both ended up back at the academy. Don't remember leaving though? Also Stacey was sleeping in my bed with lipstick all round her mouth.
Joe: Id look in the mirror mate. You two kissed a lot in the cupboard yesterday.
Kevin: Oh shit. Ill talk to her when I dont feel like dying and shes woken up.
Joe: Good luck buddy.

I sighed, putting my phone down, glancing over at Dianne. She seemed so peaceful. I laid down, loosely wrapping an arm round her waist. I smiled as she seemed to snuggle into me more. I kissed the side of her head, falling into a peaceful sleep.

Kevins POV

I sat sat in the dorms living room. Johannes and Aljaž werent in so Im guessing they were still at Joes or had gone out for the day. I heard footsteps, Stacey walking into the living room. She looked at me and smiled weakly, rubbing her eyes then rubbing her head.
"Stace, you have a little lipstick smudged all round your mouth." I said. She blushed slightly, sitting next to me.
"How come?"
"Joe said we kissed last night."
"Oh..." She said shyly. "When?"
"7 minutes in heaven." I said. It wasnt a bad kiss. I also cant say I didnt have feelings for Stacey. I did. I think everyone but her realised this too.
"Was it good?" She asked.
"I dont know, youd have to tell me." I said. Before I could say anything more I felt Staceys lips on mine. I smiled, gently kissing back, putting my hand on her hip.
"Oh sorry! Am I interrupting?" We heard Johannes say from the door. I pulled away, looking over my shoulder at him.
"Maybe." I laughed slightly, holding Stacey close to me
"Ill leave you to it then." He chuckled, walking to his room, closing the door. I smiled, looking down at Stacey. She smiled, putting a hand on my cheek.
"Take me home?" She asked softly. I nodded, standing up and pulling her up. I took her hand, grabbing my car keys and walking to the front of the academy where all our cars were. So what we were in the clothes we wore yesterday? No one seemed to care. We got in the car, driving with the radio turned down low so our headaches wouldnt get too much worse.

After a 10 minute drive I pulled up outside her house. We got out, Stacey insisting that I came in for a cup of tea. I smiled, walking in after her. We headed into the kitchen, Stacey making two cups of tea, placing mine in front of me.
"Thanks Stace." I smiled, taking a sip.
"So, the kisses." She said, making me look up.
"I liked them." We said at the same time, laughing after.
"So what does that make us?" She asked.
"We can see where it takes us." I smiled, putting my hand over hers.
"That sounds good to me."

Diannes POV

I woke back up with a banging headache, feeling Joe playing with the ends of my hair. I slowly sat up, taking the painkillers on the side.
"How you feeling baby?" He asked.
"Awful." I whined.
"How about we go sit downstairs? The others are down there watching a movie."
"Sounds good." I said. "Carry me?"
"If I must." He chuckled, getting up and carefully picking me up, slowly carrying me downstairs. We sat down on the sofa next to Josh and Lauren. Lauren had fallen asleep, Josh holding her on his lap, his arms wrapped round her. I smiled slightly, nuzzling my head into Joes shoulder as we sat down. I looked up at the film. Zootropalis. It was a good film. I closed my eyes, listening to the voices of Judy and Nick, feeling Joe rubbing circles on my hips.
"Go back to sleep if you want baby." He whispered, kissing my forehead. I smiled, closing my eyes slowly drifting off to sleep.

Caspars POV

I looked up, seeing the couples all cuddled up on the sofa. It was jusy Conor and I sat on the floor. Byron had gone out shopping so he wasnt with he single squad on the floor.  No matter how much I tried to pay attention to the childs film, I couldnt get a certain blonde haired girl out of my head.  I might have to get her number off Dianne.


Some Stacey and Kevin. And who could Caspar be talking about 😂😂

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