Chapter 5

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*The Next Day*

Diannes POV

I woke up, feeling someones arms around me. I rolled over, seeing Joe still asleep. He still looked just as cute as he did- Dianne shut up! He doesnt love you anymore. I checked the time on my phone. 9:53am. Luckily it was Saturday so I didnt have to leave to go to the academy. I smiled, looking over my shoulder at Joe. He furrowed his eyebrows, holding my closer. Was he having a bad dream. He soon losened his grip on me, his arm drapped over my waist. I sighed when he woke up, moving his arm to sit himseld up.
"Morning Di." He said, his voice a little grogy
"Good morning Joseph." I giggled, sitting up.
"Sleep well?" He asked.
"Yeah. You hugged me all night." I blushed a little.
"O-oh...sorry about that." He said shyly, looking away.
"Its fine. Its happened before." I said. He looked at me and smiled.
"You want breakfast?" He asked.
"Yeah, Im starving." I jumped out the bed and stretched. Joe got out, walking in front of me. I followed him to the kitchen, sitting down on one of the stalls at the kitchen island. He got some bacon out the fridge, putting it on a frying pan. He put the pan on the hob, allowing the bacon to cook, getting some bread out the bed bin.
"What person wouldnt?" I laughed, catching the bottle he threw at me. I put it on the island, Joe carrying two bacon sandwiches over. He placed them down, taking a seat next to me. I put ketchup in my sandwich before taking a bite. Joe looked at me, laughing a little as he wiped some ketchup away from the corner on my mouth. I smiled, continuing to eat my bacon sandwich.

When we finished our breakfast I put the plates in the dishwasher. Joe poured two glasses of orange juice (AJ left it behind) before handing me one. We walked over to the sofa and sat down.
"Joe." I said softly, looking over at him.
"AJ told me....that after I got...bullied?" I asked quietly. He looked down, nodding a little.
"Yeah I did." He said before starting to explain.


I walked into school, hugging myself. I walked over to the group, everyone looking at me.
"Hey Joe." Caspar whispered. We were all quiet. Oddly quiet.
"Oh look." Scarlett sauntered over. "The mutt goes back to the pound and the owner gets all depressed. What a shame." She smirked. I didnt say anything. Normally I would stand up for myself, however I didnt say a word. I just let her continue until Josh told her to leave. She scoffed, walking away. The bell went, all of us walking to tutor however I walked far behind, people pushing me out the way. I got knocked over, the male laughing at me.
"Fucking pathetic." He scoffed, kicking me in the side. I got up, wiping my eyes, getting to tutor just in time. I sat down, crossing my arms on the table, resting my head on them. The boys didnt say anything, knowing I was moments away from breaking down crying.

Was this how it would be until I saw her again?


I looked over at Joe, wiping the tears away from his eyes.
"Im so sorry." I whispered.
"I-It happened until the end of school." He sniffed. I pulled him into a tight hug.
"I promise they will never hurt you again." I whispered, rubbing circles on his back.
"Promise." I hummed. I looked up at him, smiling softly. "Now wheres that happy sugg that I love oh so much."
"You still love me?"
I blushed. I looked down at my lap, Joe tilting my head back up. "Do you still love me?"
"M-maybe..." I whispered. He went to say something before he got a call from Zoe.
"One moment." He said, walking over to the kitchen.

Joes POV

I sighed, picking up.

Joe: Hey Zo

I moved my phone away from my ear since she was screaming at me.

Joe: I was going t- wait how do you know?
Zoe: The press. They got pictures of you two together. The fans have been going crazy wondering who this mystery girl is.
Joe: Shit. Right Zo, how do I fix this?
Zoe: Just tweet saying shes an old friend from school you were catching up with since you havent seen her in ages. Itll put the rumors to rest.
Joe: Thanks so. Ill bring Dianne round to see you soon.
Zoe: You better. Bye broseph.
Joe: Bye.

I hung up, sitting back down.
"What happened?" Dianne asked.
"Remember when those people came at us with the cameras yesterday?"
"The press right?"
"Yeah, they made some fake news up about us." I sighed.
"Wait what?"
"Dont worry. Im gonna put the rumors to rest." I said, giving her a friendly kiss on the forehead to help her calm down. I watched as she blushed, however she tried to hide it. I smiled, going onto twitter before writing a tweet.

Joe Sugg: Hey guys! I just wanted to let you know that the stories the press are writing are false. The girl I was with is an old school friend that I am catching up with since she recently just moved back. Nothing to worry bout.

I sent the tweet, getting replies quickly of fans asking who this girl is. I decided to wait a while before telling them who Dianne was since she wouldn't be used to the fame and it would be bad for her to be thrown into it. I smiled, Dianne trying to work my netflix.
"Here, let me show you." I smiled, taking the remote, showing her how to use it.
"Thanks." She smiled. I put an arm round her, pulling her a little closer. I missed this. I missed us. Maybe one day we could be together again.

Just maybe.


Hope you all like this!

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