Chapter 36

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Warning: Alcohol use 

*The Next Day*

Dianne's POV

We didnt have dance today as it was a Friday. Janette, Katya and I were getting ready to head over to Lauren and Josh's as they had planned a little engagement party. I smiled, curling the last of my hair before starting on my makeup. I smiled, putting on some red lipstick before standing up, making sure the rest of my makeup looked okay before I left the room.

"Ready to go Di?" Janette asked, the two girls having been ready for a while.

"Yeah." I smiled, grabbing my dorm keys before walking out, locking up once we had all left the dorm. We met up with the boys on the way to the party, Janette and Aljaz laughing the whole way, stuck to each others sides. I walked with Johannes as the others we all with their partners. I laughed at a terrible joke he made.

"You really found that funny?" He asked, laughing after, the two of us walking up to the apartment building first, taking the lift up to the correct floor. We all walked out, Stacey knocking on the door. Lauren opened, letting everyone in. I smiled, taking her hand, looking at the diamond ring on her finger.

"Perfect isnt it?" She said, smiling at me. I nodded, hugging her tightly before we walking into the living room where everyone else was. I smiled, walking over to Joe, kissing him softly before pulling away.  He had told me what happened between him, Caspar, Josh and Lauren, however they seemed to have made up as they had been joking around when I walked over. I smiled, kissing Joes cheek. 

"Im gonna get a drink." I smiled, walking to the kitchen, seeing Nadiya talking to Katya. "Hey girls."

"Hey Di, you reckon I should go talk to Caspar?" Nadiya asked.

"Nadiya, you two have been on like 3 dates now. Just go talk to him." I laughed, watching the blonde walk over to the South African boy. 

Caspar's POV

I smiled, Nadiya walking over to me. 

"Hey Casp." She smiled softly, sipping from the cup she held in her hand. "See you made it up to the ginger dork." I laughed, Josh rolling his eyes. 

"Yeah I forgave them." Josh laughed, messing up Joe's hair, the shorter boy frowning, trying his best to sort it out.

"Thats what I like to here." She smiled, leaning on me slightly. We werent official, however I planned on asking her out soon, maybe after another date, just to make sure she is for me. I have had girlfriends in the past however they were nothing serious, only lasting a month or two. I just hoped Nadiya would stay a lot longer, or maybe forever? Stop Caspar, youre thinking too far into the future. I sighed, finishing my drink. Dianne soon walked back over, followed by Jack and AJ who were pretty much all over each other. 

"Right, you two chill for two seconds." Joe laughed, pushing the two apart. We all looked at Lauren and Josh, the two giggling, Josh holding her close to him.

"So guys, your party, what we playing?" I asked, knowing at every party we played one game, ranging from spin the bottle to truth or dare. 

"Truth or dare?" Lauren suggested. 

"Ill round up inner circle." Joe said, all of us heading upstairs to their bedroom, Joe soon showing up with everyone else, sitting down on the bed. 

"So lets start." Dianne smiled. "Babe, truth or dare?"


"I dare you to kiss one of the guys in here." Dianne giggled.

"Dianne did you really just tell your boyfriend to kiss someone else?" Janette laughed.

"Yep. I wanna see who it is." Dianne said, Joe scoffing, laughing before kissing Aljaz for about half a second. Janette gasped before laughing, Aljaz looking a little shocked. 

"Im flattered." He laughed.

"Right Caspar, Truth or Dare?" Joe asked me.

"Truth." I smiled.

"Crushing on anyone?" He asked. I blushed slightly, taking a quick glance at Nadiya.

"Yes. Jack, Truth or Dare?" I asked, moving on before I made a fool of myself.


"I dare you to lick the bottom on Josh's foot." 

"Eww, he probably has athletes foot."

"Almost an athletes foot." Lauren giggling, Josh gently pushing her, taking off his shoe and sock, putting his foot on Jacks lap. Jack gagged a little, licking the bottom of Joshs foot. Aj laughed, however squealed when Jack kissed him after. 

"Thats not fair!" AJ pouted.

"Shouldnt have laughed then babe." Jack smiled, putting an arm round AJ. "Dearest brother of mine, Truth or Dare?"

"Truth." Conor rolled his eyes slightly.

"Hmm, what shall I ask?" Jack thought. "What is your biggest turn on?"

"Having you as far away as possible." Conor scoffed. "Thats a weird question to ask."

"Im a weird brother."

"True." Conor laughed. "Biggest turn on....  lip biting."

"Same." AJ giggled.

"No you are not leaving me for my brother." Jack said protectively, holding AJ close.

Laurens POV

I smiled, resting my head on Joshs shoulder.

"Right Lauren, Truth or Dare?" Conor asked.


"Name 5 body parts that Josh regularly kisses."

"Lips, nose, forehead, cheeks, thighs." I shrugged, AJ smiling a little. "Dont act like Jack dont do that to you." I smirked, watching him blush. "Right, Katya, Truth or Dare?"

*A Few Hours Later*

Everyone had headed home and I was mine and Joshs chore to clean up. Luckily neither of us were that drunk so we wouldnt pass out suddenly. I sighed throwing away the last of the plastic cups, Josh putting away the rest of the left over alcohol. 

"Done." He sighedn taking my hand, kissing my forehead. I smiled, running up the stairs. 

"I win." I giggled, taking one of his shirts out of the wardrobe, changing into it before getting into bed. He soon got into bed beside me, wrapping his arms round my waist.

"Goodnight baby."


HEHE is cute

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