Chapter 39

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Warning: A lot of cute, little family reunion, some alcohol use (not excessive drinking)

*A Week Later, Jack and AJs' Wedding*


I looked in the mirror, my mother straightening my bow-tie. She sniffed, dabbing her eye with a tissue so she didn't ruin the makeup she had applied.

"Mum." I smiled. "Don't cry."

"My baby is all grown up." She sniffed, hugging me softly. "You're getting married." She said , giving me a motherly kiss on the forehead. I smiled, hearing a knock at the door.

"If you're not Jack you can come in." I said. The door opened, Dianne, Lauren, Chloe and Nadiya walking in. "You guys look amazing." I smiled, giving them all individual hugs.

"So do you." Chloe said, smiling brightly.

"I never thought Id see you getting married." Lauren said. "And I wont cry."

"Sure Lauren." Dianne joked, making us all laugh. I looked up at the clock, my heart beating faster.

"Its almost time J, you nervous?" Nadiya asked, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"A little, but I have nothing to be nervous about right?" I smiled. "I love him and he loves me. I just hope it all goes smoothly." I said, looking at the girls and my mother. Joe soon walked in.

"Guys, its time." He said before leaving, going to take his place next to the other boys, standing by my future husband. I sighed, the girls taking their flowers. My mother smiled, linking arms with me.

"Your father would be so proud of you." She said. My father would have been walking me down the isle however he passed away when I was younger. I smiled, my eyes glossing over. I gave everyone one last hug before we walked to the hall, standing by the doors. The girls all looked back at me, giving my reassuring smiles. I sighed, smiling when I heard the music playing. The doors opened, the girls walking out in pairs, Dianne walking with Chloe, Lauren walking with Nadiya. I smiled, walking down the isle with my mother. With every step my heart began to beat faster. With nerves or excitement, I didn't know. What I did know was that I was about to marry the man I loved. I smiled, my mother un-linking her arm from mine, taking her seat one one of the chairs. I looked up at Jack, smiling softly, the male gently taking my hands in his. The vicar began to talk before the vows began.

"Jack, please repeat after me." He said, stating the vows.

""I, Jack Maynard, take thee, AJ Pritchard, to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God's holy ordinance; and there to I pledge thee my faith and pledge myself to you." He said, giving my hand a gentle kiss. The vicar looked towards me, telling me my vows, having my repeat.

"I, AJ Pritchard, take thee, Jack Maynard, to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God's holy ordinance; and there to I pledge thee my faith and pledge myself to you." I said.

"Please may we have the rings." The vicar said, Conor walking up, handing us the rings. Jack put the ring he held on my finger, allowing it to sit above my engagement ring. I smiled, putting his ring on his finger, holding his hands.

"You may now kiss the groom." He said, taking a small step back. I put my hands on Jacks cheeks, Jack putting his on my waist as he pulled me into a kiss, our family and friends cheering for us. I pulled away, smiling as I hugged him gently. I glanced around at our friends, seeing Conor and Lauren both crying a little. Jack smiled, taking my hand, the two of us walking down the isle, the brightest smiles on our faces, our eyes shining bright. We headed out the hall, hugging each other tightly.

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