Chapter 8

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Warning: Its all gonna be too cute. (Youre welcome)

*Continues from last chapter*

Joes POV

I smiled, putting my hand on Diannes cheek as I kissed her gently. She had her hands on my shoulders, allowing me to pull her a little closer. I pulled away, smiling down at her.
"I think I still like you." She said softly.
"I think I still like you." I hummed, gently rubbing her cheek. She leant her head into my hand, closing her eyes and smiling softly. I kissed her forehead, gently pulling her into my chest.
"Im tired." She whined.
"Well its late." I said softly. We laid down, Dianne falling asleep almost instantly. I loosly wrapped my arms round her, feeling her snuggle into me. I smiled, falling into a dreamless sleep.

*The Next Morning*

I woke up, seeing Diannes space empty. I sat up, smelling pancakes from downstairs. I smiled, getting up and walking downstairs, putting my hands in the pockets of my jogging bottoms that I had slept in. I walked into the kitchen, hearing Dianne and Byron talking as Dianne made pancakes. I smiled, sitting down on one of the stools at the kitchen island, taking Byrons glass of water and sipping some of it before handing it back.
"We have a tap."
"Yeah that was closer." I said, hearing Dianne laugh a little as she put two pancakes on each plate before setting them all down. She got the lemon and sugar out the cupboard, putting them on the table before sitting next to me. We all ate quietly.
"Joe do you mind driving me to the academy soon?" Dianne asked once she had finished.
"Sure. Go get ready, Ill sort the dishes out." I replied. She smiled and kissed my cheek before walking up to my room. I blushed slightly, glancing over at Byron who was smirking.
"Something you wanna tell me?" He asked.
"We kissed last night." I said shyly as I got up, going and putting the dishes in the dishwasher.
"Knew you still liked her." He said before heading back to his room.

Diannes POV

I put on the leggings and vest top that I was wearing yesterday. I could change quickly when I got to the academy if I had time. I threw my hair into a high ponytail, hearing Joe walk in.
"Hey." I smiled, turning round to look at him.
"Hey, you ready to go?" He asked, putting on a hoodie. I nodded.
"Yeah, Im ready. I can finish getting ready at the academy. I should have time." I said. He smiled, putting an arm round me as we walked downstairs, putting on our shoes.
"Ill be back later!" Joe yelled to Byron before we walked down to the apartment block car park.

When we got to the academy he walked me up to her dorm.
"Ill see you later?" He asked and I nodded. I leant up and kissed his cheek, hearing people squealing behind Joe. I blushed, looking over his shoulder. AJ, Janette and Katya were stood there giggling like teens.
"So are you together?" AJ smiled brightly. I looked up at Joe.
"We would need to talk about it a little more." Joe said with a smile.
"Then go talk you have an hour till our lesson!" Katya squealed. "We can go back to AJs dorm."
"Fine." I laughed. "Ill see you weirdos later." I smiled, unlocking the dorm and walking inside, Joe walking in after me. We sat on the sofa, smiling at each other.
"So." He started. "If we were to go out again, you know youll become a lot more popular. Youll be in the spotlight and have people with flashy cameras following you around."
"Its worth it." I said softly, putting a hand on his cheek. "I just want your fans to like me."
"They will when they know more about you. We can keep it quiet for a while. If youre okay with it I can show you in a few videos so they know you before we announce it."
"That sounds good." I smiled.
"So, Dianne Buswell, will you be my girlfriend?"
"Id love to be." I laughed, kissing him gently, putting my hands on his cheeks. He smiled and kissed back however we pulled away, hearing giggling outside the room. I walked to the door and opened it, Janette, Katya, AJ, Neil and Aljaž falling through the door.
"Really guys?" Joe laughed. I laughed, all of them smiling innocently.
"We had to make sure you didnt reject him!" Neil exclaimed.
"And why would I?" I asked, Joe walking over to me, putting an arm round me.
"Aww!" Aljaž smiled.
"Wow hes a bit like AJ." I laughed. "But straight."
"Yep. Smiley, giggly and a marshmallow." Janette smiled, Aljaž and AJ both blushing.
"Anyway, since youre together now. The couples were going out tomorrow evening. Like a big date night. Wanna come?" AJ asked.
"Sounds good to me." Joe smiled, kissing my forehead.
"Aww theyre cute!" Katya squealed.
"Weve worked that one out babe." Neil laughed, putting an arm round her, holding her close to him.
"I feel lonely now." AJ frowned. Joe laughed, running to him and hugging him.
"Wow." I rolled my eyes playfully, laughing with the others. Joe laughed, walking back over to me.
"Dont you guys have somewhere to be?"
"Yeah lemme quickly finish off getting ready." I ran to the bathroom, brushing my teeth since I couldnt at Joes and properly doing my hair. I sprayed deodrant on myself before walking back out. "Im ready now. Ill see you later." I kissed Joes cheek before we all walked to the studio we had our lesson in.

Joes POV

I smiled, walking to my car. I sat in it, not starting it up. I took my phone out my pocket, messaging the boys.

Joe: Guess who just got a girlfriend?
Byron: If its not Dianne Ill kiss you
Byron: *kill
Joe: Byron I know you love me but Im with Dianne now.
Caspar: FINALLY!
Josh: You took your time.
Joe: Dianne and I had to help your lonely ass get with Lauren so stfu
Lauren: Ha. Its true though.
Josh: Youre meant to back me up babe!
Lauren: Meant to.
Lauren: Doesnt mean I do.
Caspar: Yes Lauren!

I laughed, putting my phone back in my pocket before starting up the car, driving back to the apartment.

For once, I was truly happy again.


I cant wait for the next chapter

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