Chapter 33

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*Continued From Last Chapter*

Kevin's POV

I smiled, pulling up outside Stacey's house. The streets were already empty. Barely anyone was walking round and I had only seen a few cars driving. Stacey soon walked out, getting into the car. She was wearing some flowing trousers and a hoodie. More specific, one of my hoodies. She smiled, leaning over ad kissing my cheek. 

"Hey baby." I smiled, giving her a quick kiss.

"Hey Kevvy." She giggled, looking out the window. "Where are we going?"

"That's a surprise." I smiled before putting the car in gear, driving down the road. The radio was playing in the background as I drove, Stacey quietly humming along, pointing out things she saw while on the journey. It was adorable even if she didn't realise that. I smiled, taking her hand in mine, only letting go when I had to change gears. She looked over at me and smiled innocently. 

"The sky is so pretty tonight." She said in awe, looking out her window, blinking a couple times as she looked at the starry sky, the moon shining brightly down on us, following the car like it was a stage light following the soloist. I smiled, driving past many fields, Stacey pointing out any of the animals she saw sleeping. I smiled, laughing at her adorableness. See Joe told me Dianne was the most adorable person ever, however I think I would have to disagree with him. I sighed, the car soon slowing as I pulled up onto a field. We got out, sitting on the hood, Stacey rested her head on my shoulder, cuddling into me when I put my arm round the bottom of her back, holding her closer.

"This is perfect. You really do listen to me."

"Of course I do. Why wouldn't I?" I smiled, kissing her cheek. She blushed, giggling a little. 

"Did you bring any snacks?" She asked while staring out into the distance. I nodded, getting up and going to the back seats of that car, taking out some popcorn, sweets and a few cans of Pepsi. I sat back on the hood, handing Stacey one of the cans. She opened it, taking a small sip before looking back out into the night, 

"I love you." She said. We had never told each other we loved each other before. I smiled.

"I love you too." I smiled, keeping a close arm round her. Stacey smiled, putting the can down, kissing me gently, placing her hands on my cheeks. I smiled, putting my hands on her hips, holding her close.

*The Next Morning*

Joes POV

I woke up, looking to me side to see Dianne still fast asleep. The smell of bacon slowly made its way into the room and Dianne was awake not long after. 

"Whos cooking?" She asked, hugging me gently.

"Im not sure." I said, the both of us dragging ourselves out of bed, walking downstairs. Everyone was either in the kitchen or on the sofa, or in Laurens case, hasnt gotten out of bed yet, still fast asleep.

"We tried to wake her up. Didnt work." Josh laughed slightly. I nodded, taking a seat at the kitchen island, Dianne taking the stool next to me.

"Why is Jack sulking on the sofa?"

"AJ wont hug him because, and I quote, 'Jack you stink go shower and brush your fucking teeth before hugging me.'"

"Not my fault." AJ giggled, serving up breakfast onto the plates, covering one up for when Lauren finally decided to get out of bed. He handed the plates round, finally giving Jack a small hug before eating breakfast away from everyone who had drunk the night before.

"Im alcohol intolerant." He giggled, slowly eating his breakfast. Jack wolfed his down before announcing that he was going to use my shower, coming back around 10 minutes later. All the boys kept clothes at mine. We all kept clothes at each others as we stayed round at others houses a lot. He smiled, walking over to AJ and kissing his cheek.

"Do I smell better now"

"I guess." AJ smiled, looking up at Jack, kissing him softly. 

"Can you two shut up Im trying to sleep."

"Lauren theres coffee in the kitchen"

It didnt take much to get her up after that. She slowly dragged herself to the kitchen, picking up the mug of coffee AJ had made her with her breakfast.  Josh walked over to her, whispering something to her, making her smile. She lent against him a little, sighing softly. Lauren finished her coffee, dragging Josh to the sofa, curling up on his lap, falling asleep again.

"How does she fall asleep literally everywhere?" Scarlett laughed slightly.

"Who knows." Josh smiled, playing with the ends of Laurens hair. 

"Its cute, how much you care for her." Scarlett smiled. "Especially when I was a bitch back at school. You always seemed to have her back."

"Thats because I love her. You do anything for someone you love."

"Like marry them."  

"Like wait 10 years for them." I smiled, Dianne blushing a little.

"Wow, and I thought I was in love with all my one week boyfriends." Scarlett said, all of us laughing, accidentally waking up Lauren. 

"Sorry baby." Josh cooed, kissing her forehead, rubbing her hip gently. Lauren smiled, nuzzling her head into his chest, closing her eyes however she didnt fall asleep.

"So annoying brother of mine, who is this friend of AJs coming to the wedding?" Conor asked.

"Her names Chloe Hewitt." AJ said. "Shes my old dance partner. Shes really sweet, You all will get on with her."

"Shes already my friend." Dianne giggled. "Shes so cute and nice." She smiled, leaning against me. "I cant wait to see her again at the wedding."

"I hadnt seen her in a long time. It was nice to be able to invite her." AJ smiled, resting his head on Jacks shoulder, the conversation breaking into many as time went on.



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