26. Congrats-Oh look who it is.

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"What do you have to offer Ryan if she accepts this deal?" Walter tapped his pen on the table as he asked the question.

I looked from Walter's pen to the CEO of Fox productions.

"Every episode Ryan makes $50,000, every time a episode airs thats $15,000 she makes."

"Wait so every time thousands of people see my face Im only getting paid $15k ?"

"Wait so every time thousands of people see my face Im only getting paid $15k ?"

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"Yes ma'am. You do realize this show will be aired twice in one day..every episode on Wednesday's at 8pm on the east coast and then 8pm west coast, and then we will also have the episodes online and on Hulu.. Ryan you'll be making great money & those prices I gave you are already with our percentages deducted." She smiled at me as she folded her hands.

I looked at Walter and he looked over at the team, "Can you give us a second please?"

I was staring out the big glass window, this view is amazing right now and I cannot even decide because I have something blocking my thoughts.

"Ryan??" He tapped my shoulder.

"Hm?" I snapped out of it.

"What are you thinking?"

I shrugged, "this all came so fast.. I don't know what I should do." I noticed I was shaking my leg uncontrollably fast and tried to stop. "What do you think I should do?"

"Honestly this will get you even more exposure.. think of how many seasons it can possibly be and how much money youll make. Forget me being your agent think about yourself Ryan."

"Usually Monica tells me what Im going to do and say, I never had this much freedom in my career before."

"So what's stopping you from being great?"

"Honestly .. the singing." I looked at him and laughed.

He nodded and rocked back and forth in his chair a bit. "I wasn't going to say anything but uh.."

"What?" I looked at him again.

"When you were staying at my house? We all heard you singing in the shower, we stood outside the door listening.. and thats actually where I got the idea from of you being on the show."

"But the show is about a bunch of hot headed girls thats so desperate to be famous... I don't work too well with females."

"How about we give it a try? I can have a conversation with the ceo about you meeting up with the girls to meet them before you sign a contract, so that way its really up to you if you want to do this or not."

I nodded and looked foward through the glass doors, I saw everyone walking pass and the team we were meeting with sitting in the lounge talking amongst themselves. Shit this building is huge... and expensive.

Too Good... |Keith Powers & Ryan Destiny|Where stories live. Discover now