Rant but MUST read!

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Let me clear a few things up. Every book isn't the same, meaning even tho you may have thought you knew what was going to happen but.. you didn't.

It's a fiction book I didn't think you guys would get heated over something that really didn't happen.

Ryan was left feeling lonely and confused. If you noticed she said it a few times. She focused on herself for once & tried to challenge herself by working on facing things she struggled with (anxiety, catwalks & singing).
Also, She is vulnerable right now so that's why I had a character, yes a female, come into her life to help her get her shit together.
If Quincy wouldve help get it together it would have been a whole different ending because Ryan can have him easily.. let's be honest. She's had multiple guys.

I tried to make it relatable.
For example, Not all but most women are interested in testing the waters. Other women are absolutely against that kind of stuff. I respect which ever type you are.

Another example of how I tried to make it relatable is her vulnerability.
Imagine your boyfriend cheating on you & can't prove if it's thats his baby or not by his ex lover that he won't ever stop caring about? Plus he's locked up in jail & you have friends but don't have them since they're caught up in their own mess? You'll become depressed & lonely. Quincy was enough to satisfy Ryan, I felt like its the same cycle tho. This happened before with Trevor. Keith didn't mention Kourtny being pregnant and she found out the wrong way. Then boom Trevor became her lowkey boo. Trevor moved away and let his ex gf call Ryan up and talk shit. Ryan wasn't having it and left his ass alone. But Trevor is besides the point, Ryan became friends with Maj. Rather you like it or not their conversations were more relatable & real because Majesty is still a female at the end of the day. Even tho' Maj is Gay, doesn't mean she can't have female friends. I didn't reveal Ryan's answer to you all for a reason.
I have to leave you all wanting more but at the same time I don't know if I want her to experience having a girlfriend or not myself, just yet.

Back on topic, Ryan found someone that can listen to her all day and not tell her she's overthinking or making Ryan feel insecure about anything she says or do. Ryan feels safe with Majesty, rather she date her or not.

If you found someone like that (girl or not) you will like being around that person alot not saying you'll want to date them.

That's how Ryan felt. Rather she waste her time or not thats not in mind right now.

Now the fact that she had sex with Maj and not Quincy is what I am going to address too.

Every female is not the same.

Anxiety can be triggered just by being inside of a hot room or getting frustrated.

Keith is the only guy that has saw Ryan's naked body. Ryan was nervous letting Keith see it so why would she be okay with another guy seeing it. Maybe she knows she's not over Keith? Maybe it's because how Keith feels about Quincy. Maybe Quincy breath was smelly. Maybe she had a "what the fuck am I doing?" Moment. So what, Ryan had an attack... it wasn't even a bad one, it wasn't a big deal.

Ryan isn't an alcoholic but we all know she can abuse alcohol... it's better that she had sex with Maj (someone she trusts) than with Quincy;She probably would have regretted it afterwards anyways.

Let's not act like I didn't say yall were going to hate me for how it ends. It wasn't the fairy tale you wanted but thats how life is🤷🏽‍♀️.

I'm not going to lie I had a way worse ending and agreed I'd take it easy.

If you are no longer interested in my book(s) that is okay. You can quietly exit. You're entitled to your opinions but don't talk down on someone's work. I took the time out of my life to make sure I update consistently & that's time I cannot get back. I didn't have to write this shit for free.

Leaving your opinion is okay but again be mindful of how you say stuff because if I was the person I was 2 months ago, I would've cursed out some anonymous person thats behind a screen. I'll kindly remind you that you don't have to read & that'll be that.

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