Chapter 19

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When she woke up, Brenda expected to be lying in her and Sam's bed, snuggled up to his chest. Instead, when her eyes opened, the first thing she saw was a really bright light. She blinked multiple times then squinted, looking around. She realized that she was in a hospital room, and her mom is sitting in a recliner watching T.V. She looked down at her self and saw that her left arm is in a white cast. She had IV's in her right arm.

What the hell happened? She thought. Where's Sam?

"Mama? She asked, her throat dry.

"Hey baby? How are you feeling?" She asked, getting up and sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Um I really don't know. What am I supposed to be feeling?" She asked confused. Donna laughed.

"That medication they're giving you is working pretty good huh? You have a bruised rub, a gash on your cheek, and don't worry, the doctor said it won't scar. And your left arm is broken in two places."

"Oh"She said and blinked. "What the hell happened?" She asked. Donna sighed.

"Brenda we were in a car crash." She replied. Brenda looked at her shocked.

"Then why aren't you in a hospital bed like I am? And where's Sam?"

"I'm leading up to that. We were leaving the hospital, after Chris made us leave. AAsshole. Any way We were a few minutes away from home and a deer ran across the road. There was another car in the other lane and they swerved  into us. So whoever it was wouldn't hit the deer. Sam didn't see it because he yawned. It hit us dead on and we rolled into a ditch. Apparently. the other person didn't get all banged up. We don't know who it was,  and I didn't get hurt except a few bruises." Brenda let everything process, then she asked again.

"Where's Sam? How bad is he hurt?"Donna sighed again.

"Sam, he was hurt the most. He's in surgery right now."

"Surgery!" Brenda all but shrieked.

"Don't worry, Brenda. It's not that serious. He's just getting all of the glass taken out of his arm. He has a bad concussion, two broken ribs and his left ankle has been fractured." She replied sadly. Brenda looked like she wanted to pass out again.

"Oh my god, why? Why does this have to happen to him? He doesn't deserve this! He's too good of a person!"

"I know sweetie."Someone knocked on the door and Mary and Dwight walked in.

"Hey sweetie! Glad to see you're awake!" Mary said, semi-cheerfully.

"How's Sam? Have you seen him yet?"

"The doctor told us that he is in recovery and he said that when he wakes up, all of you can go see him. Only if you can walk, even though you have to be in a wheel chair." Dwight said, confused." Which I said very confusing." He mumbled, sitting on a chair.

"What about Chord, Mercedes, all of them? Have you called them or anything.

"Chord and Puck are on the way. Mercedes can't come because she's sick. and Rachel and Finn are on the way as well."

"Finn and Rachel? Why" They shrugged. Brenda finally relaxed slightly.

"Has Lauren had the baby yet?

"No, not yet. Doctors say it should be with in the next two hours though." Donna answered. Brenda nodded.

"And, do I have anything on under this?"

"I convinced the doctors to let you ear a tank top and shorts under the gown."Okay, good." They laughed.

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