Stop & Shop Love Story

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Summary: The one where Perrie hates her job and Jade keeps spilling food in the aisles.

Perrie hates her job.

The registers beeping that rings in her head every day, the annoyingly scratchy speaker, the obnoxious customers bombarding her with questions and demands. She'd quit in a heartbeat if she had the choice.

Unfortunately she's seventeen years old and she's becoming "too dependant on her parents money, especially with college coming up" according to her dad so Stop & Shop seems to be the only option. There aren't many other places that hire teenagers because they don't have any experience and Perrie babysits plenty for pocket cash, but she needed to start saving and this Stop & Shop happens to be on the street next to her school so the timing is much more convenient.

But anyways she hates her job. It's not just the tedious cash register working and occasional stockpiling, the worst part is actually the customers themselves. Okay maybe Perrie is just cynical and maybe she hates like everybody other than a select handful, but that's not the point, the customers she has to deal with are the most obnoxious, irritating people she's ever come face to face with.

Don't get her wrong, some customers win respect including the parents she sees on her night shifts running around to feed their families, and as much as she hates the couponers cause they make her job harder, Perrie can't hate someone for being smart with their money.

No she hates the obnoxious moms pushing their way through aisles to buy their spoiled kids all the expensive treats, or the young guys that try to hit on her as she bags their food (like seriously? Even if she's the hottest person in the world these mid twenty year old guys should have higher standards than a grocery bagging high schooler), or the closed minded douchebags who think a girl can't properly be doing the job right and "why is it so damn expensive", like bitch you tell her you're the one eating the food.

She could probably rant for hours because this job just sucks more than she ever thought it would, and she always thought it would, but she's not trying to seem salty (although she is in fact so salty you might as well call her beef jerky).

Like right now.

Who the fuck thinks it's okay to drop a jar of... pickles? and leave it without at least telling a worker? You aren't even charged for that here, it's simply to inform someone that there needs to be a clean up. And damn it usually they call custodial for that but now that Perrie's the unlucky one who happened to stumble upon this shit she's also the one dealing with cleaning it-

"Oh hey! I was looking everywhere for a worker but the cashiers said it isn't their job and to find someone else to deal with this," a voice calls Perrie's attention from where she had been focused on glaring at the broken jar, her eyes stay focused on the jar though, luckily it's not completely shattered so she doesn't have to close the isle off, just spilled and cracked at the top and maybe - "I'm so sorry about this I was trying to reach the Lucky Charms on the top shelf and I was trying to climb up maybe cause I'm an idiot and I didn't even think about what I could kick but I can pay for it or I can clean it myself I'm so sorry again about that."

Now Perrie has dealt with a lot of customers coming to tell her that they're spilled or broken stuff, and they never ramble like that, usually inform her and then leave before she can ask them to inform someone else.

Her eyes snap up when the voice starts to sound even more nervous at the end of her rambling and she swears her breath catches in her throat when she's met with one of the most beautiful people she's had the pleasure of seeing. She's tiny, curves so gorgeous Perrie can't help but let her eyes linger, hair dark and falling in waves, and her lips god they look like the softest pair Perrie's seen ever, and her eyes they're so chocolatey and warm and homey and - fuck also looking back at her Perrie notices and snaps out of her thoughts to focus on the issue at hand.

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