Beacon pt.2

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It was now night time and everyone was in the ballroom. Jade and jaune were actually sitting together but Jade actually didn't pack anything and just had normal clothes and nothing else, not even a sleeping bag.

Jaune: so how do you plan on sleeping today? 

Jade: probably passing out....also did your pajamas have to be, so.....childish?

Jaune: I...I have nothing to say to that.

He puts his finger and looks at the ground.

Jade: well I'll be right back. Gotta call someone real quick.

He gets up and runs up the stairs and looks around after making sure the coast was clear he puts on his suit.

Mina: good night?

Jade: call ruby for me?

Mina: you got it!

After a bit of ringing, Ruby picks up the phone.

Ruby: Hello? Jade what do you want?

Jade: so you know how you woke me up and then I jumped out a window?

Ruby: yeah? Oh fuck, I'll be right there. Do you need a sleeping bag?

Jade: yeah, and a change of clothes.

Ruby: gotcha. Meet me on the roof of the ballroom.

Jade: alright.

The call ends and Mina marks a vent that will lead to the roof.


Jade kicks the vent off and got on the roof. He sees a thing flying towards him so he zooms in on it. It was ruby in her bleeding edge suit flying towards him.

Jade: okay, I have to swing everywhere while she gets to fly? Okay...

He just nods and crosses his arms as she hovers while taking the rolled up sleeping back off her shoulder. She tosses it to him and he catches it.

Ruby: oh yeah. The clothes.

She tosses him a black tracksuit and he catches it.

Ruby: also did you tell them about who your actual mother is?

Jade: I mean when you look like the guy version of one of them, it's kinda hard not too.

Ruby: so you did tell them?

Jade: yes. Well, I told ruby not yang. Most of them should be sleeping by now soooo.

He literally unwraps the sleeping bag on the roof and lays down in it.

Ruby: I think you just hit peek laziness levels. Well since I have to be here tomorrow, I'm just gonna....

She pulls out another sleeping bag and lands on the building and her armor retracted back into her reactor. She unrolls it and puts it down close to Sento but for some reason, she made the letter L and then she laid down.

Ruby: good night.

Jade: good night.

He literally slept in his suit because it had a heater and it was SLIGHTLY cold out.


Both jade and ruby awoke at the same time both rising like the living dead.

Ruby/jade: yes.

They both get up and ruby pulls out some sort of spray. Jade's suit goes into his web shooters and he changes into the tracksuit. Ruby sprays herself and this spray makes you and your clothes make you smell like flowers which he never understood how it worked. it even cleans clothes!

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