A hard encounter

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(Author: This part is reallly short compared to like any other part.)

Team JNPR and Ruby we're walking on a path. Ruby was staring at the map looking at it from all directions.  

Ruby: the next place is uh... it's... ah, um... we're lost.

She brings the map down and Penny walked over.

Penny: we're not lost! The next village is Shion.

Nora: are we not gonna sleep on the ground here?

Jade: I would like to think that we can get to a village that has a tavern or whatever the hell they're called.

He walked over and started looking over the map too.

They start talking about it while the other three freeze.

Penny: uh guys...

Nora: the village...

Jade/Ruby: what?

They look up to see smoke and destroyed houses. Jade jumped over Ruby putting on his suit.

Jade: go!

They all start running forward.

Once close enough Jade and Ruby web zip to the top of two different buildings.

Jade: Mina, give me a scan.

Ruby was simply looking for people.

Mina: only one, behind you. He turned around and seen a man laying on a piece of rubble.

Ren: over here!

Ruby and Jade web zip to the man.

Mina: he's not gonna make it.

Jade: guys, he's not gonna make it. Or that's what Mina said...

Ren walked over and started to look over the man.

Ruby: what happened here?

Huntsman: it was... bandits...

They all look at each other.

Huntsman: the whole tribe...

Mina: it was most likely, Raven.

Jade: WHAT?

Everyone looked at him from his outburst.

Jade: sorry, I'll wait by the gate...

He backed away eventually turning into a jog.

Over by the gate he wanted to ask Mina a few more questions.

Jade: what do you mean-

He thinks he saw a white bird out the corner of his eye. He looked to the spot and seen nothing.

Jade: Sum... mer?

He looked around to see nothing.

Mina: I don't detect anything.

He shakes his head and wanted to get back to what he wanted to ask.

Jade: so, what was this about, Raven?

Mina: Raven is the leader of a tribe of bandits. The Branwen Tribe, they call themselves.

Jade: that means my dad was some damn guy living in a tent out in the woods. Probably eating berries and stealing...

He sighed as he feels slightly embarrassed by this fact.

Jade: no wonder he left. Can't believe Raven would like to do that. They're all probably dirty and dying in the winter. Getting ancient diseases and shit... 

It was about time he stopped roasting one of his parents roots and got back to doing something productive.

He heard walking behind him and turned to see everyone. They look sad but Ren was showing anger.

Even Nora and Penny looked sad which definitely wasn't good. He jogged over to them.

Jade: what happened?

Ren: we should leave, it's not safe here.

With that, Ren walked ahead. Jade wanted to ask more but knew it wasn't a good time for anyone.

Jade took off his suit and followed everyone.

Jade; talk about being a mood killer...

He wished he would've stayed with them as he most likely could've deescalated the situation.


Later that night, Ruby wakes up in minutes before sunrise. She looked next to her to see her empty brothers sleeping bag.

Ruby: Jade?

She looked around to find him nowhere to be found. Penny was sleeping laid up against a tree and it was surprising as Ruby didn't even know she could sleep.

Ruby: where is Jade?

She gets up and got a weird feeling in her head. She looked left and just felt as if he was over in this direction.

She walked over this way and eventually ran into her brother. He was in a hammock made of webs and was slightly swinging side to side.

He had headphones in and was looking at something on his scroll.

Ruby: what's he doing...?

She was able to get a bit closer behind him by becoming invisible and moving behind another tree.

She could clearly see him watching videos of him and Pyrrha. Most likely listening to music as well.

Jade: I can't see you, but I know you're there, Ruby.

She froze then stepped out from her cover.

Ruby: you knew, huh?

She giggled a bit before becoming visible. He takes out his headphones and sat up.

Jade: yeah, it's kinda hard to sneak up on me. What're you doing out here?

Ruby: looking for you, obviously. You weren't in your sleeping bag when I woke up so I came looking for you. Are you okay?

She walked over to him and looked him in the eyes.

Jade: yeah. Can't I guy dream about his girlfriend?

Ruby: hmmm...

She squinted her eyes.

Jade: really, I am fine. I just woke up early and couldn't go back to sleep, I've only been out here for like a few minutes.

Ruby: really?

She didn't think she woke up that soon after him.

Jade: everyone is probably waking up by now.

He stretched and jumped out the hammock.

Jade: shall we head back, madam?

He slightly bowed and Ruby rolled her eyes.

Ruby: never call me that again.

She said jokingly before laughing a little.

Jade: you got it, boss-woman.

End of chapter 4 volume 4

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