Chapter Four: The Deal

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Wolf woke up to the sound of hushed whispers. It was like the people around him were trying to be quiet but were actually talking quite loudly.

"Why did you have to slap him?" Elizabeth said.

"Didn't you see what he did?" Chandria said.

"Will you two just shut up?" Alexis said. "Both of you will just wake Wolf up."

Elizabeth and Chandria ignored her and continued their whispered argument.

"But you didn't have to do that! It was just a game, Ria!" Elizabeth protested.

"That's just it! It was just a game. Please, Liz, stop defending him! I know you like him but that doesn't mean you have to defend the wrong things he does!"

The door opened. Alvin had arrived to check on Wolf, "Hey, is he okay?"

"What do you think?" Chandria answered sarcastically.

"Oh c'mon, it's not like John hit him that hard," Elizabeth said.

"Just stop it, okay? First of all, Liz, obviously John hit Wolf hard enough or else he wouldn't have blacked out. Stop defending John. What he did was foul play and you know it. Second, stop acting like you're his mother, Ria. Wolf's not dying he just passed out," Alexis exhaled. "So both of you just shut up, okay?"

The two didn't answer back and just sulked quietly. It was how the three of them usually were. They were the best of friends and would defend each other against anything.

But it wasn't uncommon for them to have their fair share of petty arguments. It was usually between Elizabeth and Chandria as they had differing views and perspectives in a lot of things. Elizabeth was more outgoing and liberal while Chandria was the complete opposite.

Alexis was always the mediator, and always broke up their petty fights. She had always been the most responsible between the three of them because it was how she was raised. But all three of them knew they shared a friendship nothing could break.

"Fine, I'm going home," Elizabeth grabbed her bag and left without another word.

"Sorry, girls," Alvin said as if he was apologizing in behalf of Elizabeth. He hurriedly followed after her.

"Go away," Elizabeth said. She could hear his footsteps as he followed after her.

"Bee!" Alvin called.

Elizabeth stopped on her tracks and turned to face Alvin, "I told you to stop calling me that!"

Bee was the nickname her grandfather called Elizabeth. When her grandfather asked what her name was when she was just a little girl, it was the name she gave him. Alvin heard it one day when Elizabeth's grandfather took her to school. He found the name cute and started calling her that although Elizabeth thought that he was teasing her when he called her Bee.

"It got you to stop and wait for me didn't it?" Alvin said. "I'll take you home."

"I have a car," Elizabeth said.

"Yeah, he's gone 'cause I told him to scram and that I'll take you home."

"What? Don't you have practice or something? And where's John?"

"Practice is done. And John ran off the moment practice ended. I don't know where he went. C'mon, I'll take you home. Or would you rather walk?"


Back in the clinic, Chandria was restlessly pacing back and forth at the foot of Wolf's bed. "Why isn't he waking up? We should've brought him to a hospital instead."

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