Drag him into your shit- Part 3

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Description: Thwy have a plan

Peter Parker's PoV
"Yeah... What a shame." I mumbled back. To be honest I was scared that MJ was completely right. Ever since lunch my Spidey sense had been going bananas, and it was even more vicious now.

I looked away from where the Avengers where entering the room. Closing my eyes and trying to figure out how many people there was, because come on, a lot of people, means a lot of headaches.

Seems I was going to have to revoke my self promise that my suit would 'stay firmly at the bottom of my bag and still firmly be there till the end of the day when I got a sandwich from Delmar's.' Yeah because end of school isn't coming any closer yet a lot of bad guys where.

"Anyway MJ imma go to the toilet." I soad, turning to leave.

"Hey, stop." She soad, grabbing my arm and pulling me back next to her. "Didn't you hear, principle said that no one is to leave, that's why we all went to toilet before dumbass."

Shit. That means no suit. And with the principal hell bent on no one leaving, I have a bad feeling he's taking part in this.

"Did you too say you needed the toilet?"

We turned around, a strange man I didn't recognise standing behind us.

"No, we are fine." MJ said politely, hiding her confusion on who this man was and why he was overhearing our conversation, because he definitely wasn't a teacher.

"Oh your not fine."

I froze as the man drew out a gun from his pocket and pressing it against MJ's back.

"Like I said, your not fine, so how about we all go to the toilet."

Fuck. Why was MJ always right.

We obediently followed the man out of the hall. When we did get out of the hall we where met by a lot of people, I mean a loooot of people wearing ski masks. If this was just the portion at the back, yeah we may be dying today.

"You got the primary hostages." The guy that took us conversed with one of his ski mask friends.

"Yeah." The guy that took us indicated to where we stood awkwardly. I'm guessing that we where a fallback, if they loose hold of all the rest of the students they'd still have us.

"Tie then up and guard them in a safe room." The guy I'm guessing is the leader commanded as a group of the ski guys tied us up and took us into one of the art classes.

Four guys came into the room with us, plonking us down in the middle. This was going to be difficult. I had my web shooters on, thank god, but how was I going to do this, and keep my identity secret from MJ, let alone the entire school and avengers!

Okay, for now I needed to stop thinking about that and first figure out how to get out of being tied up surrounded by villainous dudes.

"Okay Peter I had a snap thing in my pocket and I've cut the rope but don't move till I headbut this guy okay?" MJ whispered to me. Seems she's one step ahead of me

Somehow MJ managed to get one of the guys close enough to headbut before we both quickly got up, MJ grabbing easel and using to to whack away one of the other ski men as I incapacitated them with a paintbrush. Strong paintbrush.

After I had knocked out my guys I turned to see MJ waiting, yawning at me. "Took your time." She smirked.

"I have a question Peter." She continued. "How does one take out 2 grown men with a paintbrush but can't defeat a simple bully. Hmm?"

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