Chapter 27

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You were keeping watch for walkers while Rick cut a hole in the fence so you could get inside the prison. "Come on, let's go," Rick said to everyone climbing through the hole. Once everyone was in Glenn took a card and weaved it through to keep it closed so the walkers couldn't get in. You started running through the guard run to the front gate. "So how do we close the gate?" Hershel asked. "I'll do it, you guys cover me," Glenn said "No it's a suicide run," Maggie told him. "I'm the fastest," he said. "No. You, Maggie and Beth, draw as many as you can over there, pop them through the fence." Rick said, pointing over to the other side of the guard run. "Daryl, go back to the other tower. Carol, you've become a pretty good shot, take your time, we don't have a lot of ammo to waste. Hershel, you and Carl, take this tower," Rick told them. "Alright," Carl says, going to the tower with Hershel. "I'll run for the gate," Rick said. "I'll go with you and back you up. Don't even try to argue Rick It won't work." You said smiling at him. Lori stayed behind to shut the gate behind you.

Daryl looked down from the tower he was in with Carol to see you running for the gate with Rick. He could feel the anger boil up in him. "Is she fucking crazy?! She trying to get herself killed?!" He asked himself. He shot a bolt in the head of one of the walkers that were getting too close to Y/N. Carol looked over at him seeing how red his face was, how he tightened his jaw, and how his knuckles white from how tight he was gripping his crossbow. "She'll be fine. Y/N smart and she can protect herself." Carol told him. She took a shot at a walker but missed hitting the ground in front of Rick's feet. Rick and Y/N looked up at her "Sorry!" She yelled down and continued running. "She's fucking stupid for running to that gate. She's gonna get 'er self killed." Daryl snapped at her.

You were killing any walker that got too close to Rick or you. You had your machete out as usual not wanting to waste bullets you didn't have. You finally made it to the gate, killing a walker that was right by it so Rick could close it. After he closed it you both went to the guard tower. He opened the door shooting the walkers that were inside and you ran up the steps. You laughed once you got to the top a little out of breath. "That was fun, huh Grimes?" Rick looked over at you shaking his head with a smile on his face. You heard Daryl yell "light 'em up!" And everyone began shooting the rest of the walkers that were in the yard. You stood there watching as the last walker fell. "Now what?" You asked, "Now we make camp for the night." He said and the two of you walked down the steps and out of the guard tower.

You walked back over to the front gate grabbing your stuff before following Carol. "We haven't had this much space since the farm," she said. You laughed running around with her. "This is kinda amazing isn't it?" You said. The group found a spot to settle for the night. Daryl set his stuff down saying "I'm gonna go huntin see what I can get." "I'll come with you," you told him, walking up to him. "Nah, I'm better on my own. Don't need ya chasin the game away," he said a little harshly. "Oh, Ummm okay. Yeah sure," you said looking down. "Have you done something or said something?" You thought to yourself. You went back over to the group. T had started a fire and everyone was sitting around relaxing. Rick was walking around checking the fence to make sure there weren't any holes and everything was secure.

Daryl had come back with a couple of squirrels he had already skinned and gutted them so they just needed cooked. He gave them to Carol and walked over to the overturned bus to take watch. You sat just a little away from the group not feeling too social. You were sitting there in deep thought when Carl came over. "Here you go Y/N, it's not much but it's something." He said. "Thank you," you said, taking the bowl. You ate and watched Daryl. You saw Carol walking over to him getting on top of the bus. He started rubbing her shoulder which you weren't going to lie made you a little jealous. "Had he decided he liked her more than you?" You thought. You shook your head. You knew they were friends, they had a lot in common and Daryl had helped Carol. You saw them walking back over to the group.

Beth started singing and everyone sat around listening to her and Maggie. You still sat by yourself watching everyone well, more like watching Daryl. You debated whether or not you wanted to go over and ask Daryl if you two could talk. You were about to get up until you heard Rick say "Everyone gets some rest. Tomorrow was going to push through. They have to have an infirmary, cafeteria this place could be a gold mine." " An Armory?" Daryl asked. "Yeah, wouldn't be in the prison itself but in a building not too far off-site," Rick said. He got up and walked off to keep watch Lori following him. You laid down on your side hoping that eventually, Daryl would come to lay beside you and wrap his arms around you.

The next morning you woke up feeling cold, you sat up looking around seeing everyone was slowly waking up. Once everyone was awake Rick told you the plan. Him, Daryl, Maggie, Glenn, and T would all go in and clear the courtyard. "I can help too." You said "No, you're staying out here with the rest and don't try arguing with me cuz we ain't having the discussion it's already decided," Daryl said to you his eyes harsh and has clenched. You looked down, clenching your jaw. You wanted to say something but didn't want to make a fool of yourself in front of everyone. So you let it go for now. But you were going to find out what the hell was up Dixon's ass.

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