Tony's dark thoughts

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Chloe's POV

When we got home, I changed my mind. I wanted to watch Marley and Me. They say it's a funny and sad movie.

So I said my goodbyes to happy and I was wheeled up to the living room.

I was helped onto the couch. Peter and tony sat next to me. As the movie was playing. Mum went to go make lunch.

I smiled as I watched the movie, it was so cute. Marley was soooo cute!

I lifted up my breathing tubes up my nose. Since they were falling a little bit.

I watched as the family grew together and Marley grew with them.

They had a baby.

And Marley was getting older.

And I knew what was going to happen. It was sad. So sad.

I fanned my face. The tears were welling up in my eyes. No, Marley don't go!

I ate as I watched. But I couldn't eat anymore. Marley freaking died!

I had tears streaming down my cheeks.

I threw myself at Peter. Crying into his chest.

I felt him wrap his arms around me.

Why did Marley have to die?!

He was such a good dog!

Why did he have to go?!

I sniffled and started to feel woozy, and sleepy, the meds are working. I yawned into his chest.

I couldn't move and I didn't want to. So I just closed my eyes and took a nap on his chest.

Third person POV

Peter looked down at Chloe, to see her fast asleep. He smiled and ran his fingers through her hair. He had his chlo back. He loved her with or without her memories.

Tony brought her legs carefully onto his lap, to make her more comfortable.

He ran his fingers over the skin of her legs. Pale skin, smooth like a baby's behind. He could feel the tears welling up in his eyes. He missed her so much. But this wasn't his Chloe, no matter if she was right in front of him. She wasn't her, she wasn't her without her memories. Yes he loved her, with or without her memories, but he wanted to hurt, he wanted her to hurt him, like he did her. He wanted her to reject him and they're bond, not this, she has no idea he hurt her so badly, he wanted her to break him into the little man he was inside. He wanted to suffer, because now she's suffering, she's in pain, all because of him.

He just wanted to love her. But his emotions and fears got the best of him. I'd they hadn't, they wouldn't have to pretend to not be in love with her. His heart yearned for her to remember, for her to love him, but he also wanted her to remember everything so she could be angry at him. To hurt him, because that's what he deserved.

He deserved every single hit of pain, to be rejected, and left behind, because he destroyed they're love when he accused her of something he knew she would never do. He destroyed her, he mangled her, she should have never gotten in that car, If it wasn't for him. He shouldn't have been so stupid. He should have ran after her, he should have gotten on his knees and beg.

He loved her. He loved her so much. The weight in his pocket felt really heavy right now. The box with the ring inside it. He was going to propose. He was going to do it next Christmas. Be romantic, he already gotten her parents permission. But now, it seemed useless. She would never say yes now. Not after what he did. She'll never let him love her. Not after she gets her memory back. She's going to reject him. And leave him for the others.

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