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Wattpad doesn't let me formate my oneshots how I want them to be.
I apologize.

Credits to tbt_92 for the story idea.


It was just one of these days.

These days, these days where everything seemed to come crushing down on you.

For example your best friend trying to kill himself.


I ran over to him as fast as I could, my feet swollen from the cold, rocky road underneath them.

We were surrounded by beautiful flower fields and a rushing waterfall, yet this scene was anything but something to feel joy through.

"Please tell me you're okay! Why do you keep doing this!?"

I held his almost dead and cold body in my arms, embracing it tightly.
He only gave me a slight smile while blood ran down his neck and arm.

"I'm not made for being with you. Every single one of you- Sakata, Amatsuki, Senra, Urata, Soraru, Shima, you- I just don't belong. There is no white in a rainbow."

"Yet you miss the key piece. Your eyes are red, like the beginning of every rainbow. The color that keeps everything together. A rainbow wouldn't be the same without its red, wouldn't it? Please keep that in mind before you try something like that again."


That was two weeks ago.

Mafu immediately got brought into the hospital after the others found us and regular check-ups were set up for him.
He refused to visit a psychologist, which I couldn't resent.
It was his own choice and I would respect that, as long as he would start to take care of himself.

Today was the day he got discharged.
I had to sign a paper, making me his personal guardian, promising I would look after him at all times and immediately report something 'suspicious'.
I didn't mind signing it, since this is what I do all day anyways.

"Yes. Yes, I'll do that. Yes, thank y- Ah, (Y/N)..."

"Mafu... How are you feeling?"

"... Like always."

I was prohibited to see him these whole two weeks.
It was good seeing him in a better condition than before.
It seemed like he started eating healthier, as well.

"Well, better than nothing."


I hung my jacket on the door and sat down on a chair besides his bed.

"You're getting discharged today, you should look happier."

"I'm sorry..."

"Don't be. I should be sorry for letting you go through this again..."

"No, it's not your fau-!"

"Then whose is it?"



Not further discussing this topic I reached out for the bag beside me and pulled out a little box.

"... What's this?"

"Open it and see for yourself."

I threw him a reassuring smile to liften his mood.

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