Untitled Part 23

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I went up to trays job and some lady told me he was in a meeting. I knew from the start that wasnt true. She just seems shady to me. I walked pass her and still went to his office. I opened the door and a lady was sitting on the edge of his desk.

Me- hey honey i brought you lunch and dessert.

Tray- wow thank you because i did forget.

I completely ignored the lady and went over to him and gave him a kiss. The lady eyebrows just went up and she just stood there.

Me- your office is so nice. Im happy i got the chance to come.

Tray- yeah it is. By the way this is tony, she's an administrative assistant. She's new and being trained.

Me- okay that's nice to hear. Im his wife.

Tony- nice to meet you.

Me- like wise.

Tray- we were just talking about the new project.

Me- oh really? Someone told me you were in a meeting.. Miscommunication huh?

Tray- A meeting? No not now. Ill have to talk to staff about that.

Me- i guess ill get going now. I have to cook dinner and clean.

Tray- okay see you when i get home.

Me- of course.

I walked out of his office and headed home to do my tasks for the day. I made sure i was being a good wife because i wanted everything to go right. I had the personality and looks that every man would want. That girl in his office better be professional because ill put anyone in their place. 

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