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Its 3 am in the morning and someone is banging on the front door. I didnt know who it was but it was getting louder and louder. I looked out the window and it was a red car outside. I opened the door and a young woman appeared. 

"Hi does tray live here?" The young woman asked. 

"Who are you?" I asked. 

"Im kelly and im looking for tray." she said. 

"For what reason?" i asked. 

"We use to go to high school together and i thought i could stay here since im in town." she said. 

"Im tray's wife and we have a family now." i said. 

"Is tray here so i can talk to him?" she asked. 

"No you can talk to me im his wife. I think you should leave sweetheart." i said.

"Who owns this house?" kelly asked. 

"I pay the bills in here honey, you need to leave." i said. 

"Well tell tray i-" she said but i cut her off.

"Tray is my husband and there should be a limit." i said closing the door. I didnt know who this kelly girl was but i shut her down. I was not going to let another woman come in my house and ruin my family. Dealing with all these woman coming after my husband was alot but i have to stand up. I was going to take action and fight for what is mines. Our bond can never be broken even though im hurt at times. I just prayed and set new goals to help our marriage work. 

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