Part 25

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I was laying in bed and the computer on the table in our room kept buzzing. I was curious on what was going on so i went to check. I sat down and looked at the computer. It was on trays email and be was receiving notifications. I clicked on the most recent and it was from a hotel company that was 40 minutes away from here. It said that he has been purchasing a room from a hotel for once a week for a couple of months now. He also had emails coming from some random female. The first thing that has come to my mind is that he's cheating. He's spending hundreds of dollars on a hotel room. Why would he cheat? Who could he be cheating on me with?

I was a good wife am i not good enough? When he comes home everything is going down hill. I did everything for him. How could he treat me this way? I was the best person i could be. I need the truth from him right now. So i called him and he didnt answer. I got copies of his emails and i started to pack my bags.

I didnt even want to sleep next to him anymore. We were married and i didnt want to give up on us. I was confused and lost right now. All i needed was an explanation. I needed the truth about what was going on. Why is he doing this to me? My heart was broken and i was losing my husband.. 

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